19 Motivational Life Is Hard Quotes to Give You Strength

Life by Ankita

You must have heard this on many occasions. "Life is not a bed of roses". Dealing with life can be nerve-wracking due to persistent problems, failures, anxiety, and stress. Problems and issues that come along with living may seem tough, but they are not impossible to overcome. If you are struggling to find your way out of tough times, take inspiration from "life is hard" quotes by well-known people who made through tough times successfully.

Read our collection of carefully selected hard life quotes for inspiration when going through hard times.

  • 1

    Assist each other to go through the hard times in life.

  • 2

    You can make life easier if you recognize your problems.

  • 3

    Life is a combination of good and bad days.

  • 4

    Have faith in God during the rough days.

  • 5

    Hardships are the cost of success.

  • 6

    Make yourself strong enough to get through hard times.

  • 7

    Tough challenges help you achieve great things in life.

  • 8

    Life is harsher for foolish people.

  • 9

    Challenges in life are the best therapy for motivation.

  • 10

    Remember that tough conditions make a person stronger.

  • 11

    Never expect a fairytale ending for every event in your life.

  • 12

    Challenges test ability to bounce back.

  • 13

    Always look at the positive side of things in your life.

  • 14

    Life is hard, but you can make yourself strong enough to face it bravely.

  • 15

    Nothing in the world can be tougher than life.

  • 16

    Hard work makes your life easier.

  • 17

    Life is tough, even without villains.

  • 18

    Life can never be easy for anyone.

  • 19

    Life becomes tougher in unfavorable circumstances.

People make mistakes, and their mistakes put them in tough situations. Life is a constant struggle to make your way out of unfavorable circumstances, and you shouldn't lose hope in desperate times. People who don't lose hope and keep on trying come out of hard times with resilience.

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