20 Best Lesbian Quotes

Love by Cyrus

Love is powerful, innate, charismatic, and beyond gender identity. But lesbians often have to face distressing stares, judgments, and quirky comments. It requires great courage and grit to face the world, so here are the top lesbian quotes that will give strength, power, and a little wit to the lesbians in love or without.

So have a look at the top lesbian quotes!

  • 1

    To be a lesbian requires the grit to rebel.

  • 2

    Some identify themselves as lesbian because women have more generous qualities than men.

  • 3

    It's cool to entertain people who have no other work than staring and judging others.

  • 4

    At times, it becomes difficult to identify oneself. But then it is not important to do so.

  • 5

    Lesbians often have to face prejudices.

  • 6

    Though looked down upon by society, once lesbianism becomes legal, many more will come out of the closet.

  • 7

    One day, all the struggle will sound cliché.

  • 8

    None of us shall be ashamed of our choices, and neither does anyone have the power meek us feel so.

  • 9

    There is a mysterious connection between feminism and lesbianism.

  • 10

    Men will be men and they will continue to objectify women.

  • 11

    Letting the world know who you are, empowers you from within.

  • 12

    People are people, irrespective of how we define them, or their sexual orientation.

  • 13

    At times, defining can be outrageous.

  • 14

    It requires great courage to identify oneself as a lesbian. Kudos!

  • 15

    Love is an event that is experienced at the level of the soul, not bodies.

  • 16

    You are who you are, you neither choose it nor can it be forced on you.

  • 17

    Inspirations can come from the strangest of places.

  • 18

    You are who you are, and no one has the right to question it.

  • 19

    Ever wondered, the reason behind women becoming lesbian is men.

  • 20

    Lesbians who are not ready to reveal themselves may at some point lose themselves.

The above-described lesbian quotes and sayings depict that being a lesbian makes you a bit different than others. People will like you if you stay the way you are without having to adjust yourself to what the norm is. These lesbian love quotes also reveal the meaning that you need to believe in yourself and live the life you deserve.