20 Brilliant Quotes from the Book "Educated" by Tara Westover

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Tara Westover is an American author famous for her book "Educated: A Memoir". The book gives a splendid account of her childhood, with many quotes from Educated very popular for their eye-opening wisdom about the importance of education. With our collection below, you won't have to look for Educated Tara Westover quotes with page numbers ever again.

  • 1

    It takes an enormous amount of patience to read things without a proper understanding.

  • 2

    It's not wise to participate in a fight you don't have any idea about.

  • 3

    Living on top of a mountain is great to make you independent.

  • 4

    There is nothing more unfortunate than a childhood filled with real-life nightmares.

  • 5

    The importance of education lies in its ability to develop a person for the better.

  • 6

    If people around you aren't supportive, it's hard to remain confident in one's own abilities.

  • 7

    A great memoir is one that gets right to the point without too many details.

  • 8

    You don't necessarily need to leave some place behind physically to escape from it.

  • 9

    Regardless of how it feels, it's not good to remain void of any knowledge.

  • 10

    We often give the people we love too much control over us.

  • 11

    Some people are better to be missed from a distance.

  • 12

    Nobody can get in control of their own mental breakdown by themselves.

  • 13

    The greatest thing about having enough money is that you can stop thinking about it.

  • 14

    We can only become what we were always meant to be.

  • 15

    No one can comprehend another person in his or her entire being.

  • 16

    A person can only feel guilty of his or her own bad actions.

  • 17

    We often tend to live in denial of our heartaches.

  • 18

    There are a few things whose effects lie in their lack of effect.

  • 19

    It takes the education of some sort to find and reinvent oneself.

  • 20

    Sometimes it's easier to remain loyal to a person from a distance.

"Educated" is such an amazing book that it's pretty common for people to search for Educated Tara Westover quotes with page numbers on the internet. However, it's the Educated quotes and not the page numbers that can help us learn a few things about ourselves and others. So, keep sharing the wonderful quotes above.