20 Copy Paste Quotes to Inspire Innovative Thinking

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Copying can be defined in two ways: first, learning from others' work and creating something new; second, stealing somebody else's work. While the first one is essential, but the second one can only make you no progress at all. Copy paste quotes shed light on these two definitions.

Let's take a look at some inspiring copying quotes which will motivate you to think more creatively.

  • 1

    If you keep copying yourself, you won't grow.

  • 2

    Take inspiration from other people's inventions, but don't steal their ideas.

  • 3

    Copy only to gain knowledge and learn new things.

  • 4

    Our imagination is the most powerful tool.

  • 5

    Utilize the positive aspects of copying and be creative.

  • 6

    Keep faith in your unique perception.

  • 7

    Take your chances and do something different.

  • 8

    Your originality is priceless.

  • 9

    Be creative and leave your footprint through your original work.

  • 10

    In order to be innovative, you must first learn by copying.

  • 11

    Copying is invalid when you are making something of your own.

  • 12

    Never forget professional ethics.

  • 13

    Copying is essential while mastering a skill.

  • 14

    Never waste your energy over belittling others.

  • 15

    Do your own thing.

  • 16

    In the game of imitation and copy, truth always wins.

  • 17

    Copying is the most natural human habit to learn something new.

  • 18

    Blatant copying can lead to copying others' mistakes.

  • 19

    Invest in new innovation for tomorrow.

  • 20

    The people you copy will always stay ahead of you.

It is okay to take inspiration from something, but blatantly copying others' work is ethically and morally wrong. Copy paste quotes act as a reminder of this.

I hope the above inspiring quotes about copying will encourage you to take inspiration from your surroundings and come up with fresh, new innovative ideas.