20 Negative Family Quotes We All Need to Hear

Family by Ronit Cytheria

When we think of family, we think of the people that are supposed to be there for us through thick and thin. Unfortunately, not everyone will get to experience the tender love and care of a family. We hear about it all the time through quotes about bad family relationships.

It's truly sad and heartbreaking to know some people are neglected like that. If you know someone who could relate to any of the bad family quotes below, make it a point to treat them like family whenever possible - they need it more than you know.

  • 1

    Even when they try to fake it, dysfunction in the family is clear.

  • 2

    Some people never get to hear those precious words from their family.

  • 3

    The issue will never get better; it will just get worse over time.

  • 4

    Letting someone go could be the best decision for yourself.

  • 5

    It seems like no one is prepared to find a solution to family issues.

  • 6

    Some families are more concerned about themselves than helping the others.

  • 7

    Growing up with a lack of familial love will haunt you forever.

  • 8

    Family will sometimes try to push their own agenda, instead of supporting yours.

  • 9

    Families will often be the most critical of our life decisions.

  • 10

    Just because they're family doesn't mean you should trust them.

  • 11

    For some people, a happy family doesn't exist.

  • 12

    It is possible for family to cause more distress than comfort.

  • 13

    It's heartbreaking to let family go, but it may be what you have to do.

  • 14

    If your family keeps letting you down, don't let it compromise your life.

  • 15

    At the end of the day, all you want is peace and happiness!

  • 16

    Don't let your family cage you in, they should let you express yourself freely.

  • 17

    Family should enhance everyone's behavior, not control it.

  • 18

    Negative families are more common than we think.

  • 19

    Everyone has baggage and demons - hiding them won't do any good.

  • 20

    Find a solution to your family problems.

A family isn't supposed to bring other family members down, they're supposed to lift each other up - especially when tough times present themselves. Those that live through the negative family quotes above are missing out on a large part of life.

That's where friends and even strangers walking down the street can make a huge difference in a person's life. They don't know what it's like to be loved, but we have the power to give that to them every day.