20 Tattoo Sayings and Quotes to Silence Even Their Greatest Critics

Life by Sammi

Tattoos are popular among people of all kinds - both young and old. Quotes for tattoos can provide clarity as to why someone might choose to have a tattoo.

Below is our collection of some tattoo quotes and you may have a different understanding of tattoos after reading these quotes.

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    People often use tattoos to commemorate key points in their lives.

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    A tattoo is a work of art painted on a canvas made of skin.

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    Tattoos can be used as a replacement for keeping a journal.

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    Tattoos serve more purposes than just decorating the body.

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    Sometimes the motivation to go on can be found from tattoos.

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    A tattooed person often has interesting life experiences.

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    The process of tattooing brings both pleasure and pain.

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    Like a journal, tattoos remind us about important life moments.

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    Tattoos are like poems that always carry some inner meaning.

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    To put it simply, tattoos tell the stories of our lives.

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    It is the art of tattooing that enables us to personalize our bodies.

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    Once you commit to a tattoo, it's permanent.

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    A perfect tattoo not only decorates but also changes the personality.

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    Tattoos are a medium to express our inner feelings.

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    Tattoos enable us to own and take control of our bodies.

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    A tattoo can tell a lot about who the person really is.

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    The process of tattooing is pretty similar to life's journey.

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    With a tattoo, you can send an important message to the world.

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    Once you overcome the fear of the first tattoo, you want more.

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    Not everybody can understand the significance of a tattoo.

Although tattoos have been a part of human life for a long time, there are a great number of people and institutions that look at tattoos with prejudiced minds. While these tattoo quotes can't change those perceptions entirely, they can help to educate and inform. So, share your favorite tattoos quotes and help to give them a more positive image.