25 Awesome Started as Stranger Quotes

Life by Cyrus

It's in the nature of every relationship to start as strangers. Even with family, the relationship started out where no one knew anything about the other person. As the saying goes, "a stranger is a friend you don't know." Strangers end up being our friends, workmates, and even lovers! We have collected some of the best started as stranger quotes to show you the importance of strangers in our lives. We hope you enjoy the stranger quotes we have listed.

  • 1

    Grace a stranger with a smile, and they will remember you made their day.

  • 2

    The fear of being a stranger in another land should motivate us to do the impossible.

  • 3

    We are all born strangers to this world.

  • 4

    Kindness should be directed to everyone, even those we don't know.

  • 5

    Being strangers to each other is what makes us understand each other better.

  • 6

    You never know if your star shines best in a foreign land with strangers.

  • 7

    Organ donation is the existence of yourself in a stranger.

  • 8

    Being a stranger in your own land should not pull you down.

  • 9

    Great dangers bring into existence the importance of strangers.

  • 10

    All friendships crop up from people we know nothing about.

  • 11

    Make an impact on a stranger's life, and they will forever remember you.

  • 12

    Sometimes we feel we are strangers to ourselves.

  • 13

    Love towards strangers stirs up enthusiasm in them.

  • 14

    Take criticism positively, since they make you grow.

  • 15

    Realizing who we are determines how we treat strangers.

  • 16

    Always try to make strangers in pain smile.

  • 17

    A smile is all it takes to make a stranger happy.

  • 18

    We live in a strange universe.

  • 19

    We are one people, and we deserve to spread positivity among ourselves.

  • 20

    Once in a while, challenge yourself to make a stranger happy.

  • 21

    Treating strangers with respect makes you a patriot to the world.

  • 22

    Always try to make an impact, even if you are a stranger in a different community.

  • 23

    Strangers hold an interesting part that is fun to unearth.

  • 24

    With love, there are no boundaries among strangers.

  • 25

    Cherish moments you have with strangers; they may channel your entire life.

Aren't these stranger quotes intriguing? We hope you enjoyed reading the stranger quotes and have grasped the importance of letting strangers into our lives. Let's learn to appreciate strangers, but we should also choose wisely who we interact with, for not every stranger is a friend.