25 Hilariously Relatable Parks and Rec Quotes to Make Your Day

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Parks and Recreation is one of the best TV sitcoms ever. The pure genius of the series is extremely funny, relatable, and fast-paced.

You are in for a treat if you are a fan of this show. And, if you haven't watched it yet, this article will surely inspire you to binge-watch it right away.

Let's take a look at some witty Parks and Rec quotes which will definitely put a wide smile on your face.

  • 1

    Eat like there's no tomorrow.

  • 2

    Show your colleagues how headstrong you are!

  • 3

    Regret is for losers.

  • 4

    Be practical in your promises.

  • 5

    It's important to say 'No' sometimes.

  • 6

    It's okay to be a bit dramatic when you are having a bad day.

  • 7

    Value every type of friendship in your life.

  • 8

    We all feel like we're dying at some point.

  • 9

    Keep busy to avoid depression.

  • 10

    Eating junk food like a monster is the ultimate dream.

  • 11

    Bad days are an inevitable part of our life.

  • 12

    We work hard to buy pizza.

  • 13

    Is there anything more disgusting than dieting?

  • 14

    Not doing anything is a mood.

  • 15

    Who can say no to a free breakfast buffet?

  • 16

    It's smart to work less occasionally.

  • 17

    It's important to shut your mouth sometimes.

  • 18

    The hustle culture will be the end of us.

  • 19

    Be brave enough to quit the job you hate.

  • 20

    Tackle "white man privilege" with sarcasm.

  • 21

    Believe in yourself!

  • 22

    Your work is not your whole life.

  • 23

    Haters gonna hate, you keep rolling.

  • 24

    You are your own inspiration.

  • 25

    Let's just admit how awful jogging is!

There are endless options of movies and series out there. It's difficult to set your head on one. These Parks and Recreation quotes will definitely help you out of this dilemma.

I hope the above relatable and funny Parks and Rec quotes will make your day better.