25 I Will Never Leave You Quotes to Strengthen Your Relationship

Love by Ronit Cytheria

The ability to stick around in times of difficulty is what tests the strength of a relationship. We have collected some "I promise I will never leave you in any situation" quotes to show your loved one that they are important to you.

Send these "I will never leave you" quotes to your partners, so that they can know you always have their backs.

  • 1

    Special people deserve special treatment.

  • 2

    Never leave someone who is always on your side.

  • 3

    Difficulties or misunderstandings should never be a reason to leave someone you care about.

  • 4

    Being there for each other is the least you can do for someone you love.

  • 5

    Never get tired of loving someone who is always there for you.

  • 6

    Assurance is an important ingredient in a relationship.

  • 7

    Friendship is all about making compromises for the benefit of your loved ones.

  • 8

    Hold on to people who will do anything to make you smile.

  • 9

    If you don't want to be forgotten, don't leave.

  • 10

    Never let anything separate you from someone you love.

  • 11

    You can't control the fate of loved ones, but you can help them through it.

  • 12

    Never let your dark sides stop you from being there for the people you love.

  • 13

    I promise to always be there for you.

  • 14

    You can always count on me for anything.

  • 15

    Love is reason enough never to leave someone.

  • 16

    You will always be special and worthy of my protection.

  • 17

    May you live to be an inspiration to other relationships.

  • 18

    Death will be the only reason I leave you.

  • 19

    Even if you can't walk with those you love, be sure to be beside them.

  • 20

    You are one in a billion and I will never leave you to walk alone.

  • 21

    Never leave those you love to face their troubles alone.

  • 22

    You are the reason I exist and I will never leave you.

  • 23

    I wish to see the day when I will never worry about seeing you leave.

  • 24

    You will always be my first priority.

  • 25

    Be there for your loved one for as long as you are able.

We hope the quotes about never leaving someone you love show you the importance of being there for each other in a relationship. It can be very heartbreaking to leave someone you promised to look after, so make sure you mean the "I promise I will never leave you in any situation" quotes you send.