25 Knowledge Is Power Quotes to Promote More Learning

Inspiration by Ronit Cytheria

We've been told the importance of learning something new every day, but many of us fail to implement that in our daily lives. There's a lot of truth to the saying "knowledge is power," so why don't more people take advantage of it?

If you're trying to convey this message to someone else, or if you're trying to remind yourself of the fact, one of the best ways is to find your favorite knowledge is power quote and memorize it. That way, you can repeat it to yourself whenever you need to.

  • 1

    Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone to learn new things.

  • 2

    When we focus on knowledge, we eliminate the "what ifs" in life.

  • 3

    Do right by yourself and learn what you need to know to survive.

  • 4

    Don't just gain knowledge; spread knowledge to those around you.

  • 5

    If knowledge is power, we must learn to invest more in the young.

  • 6

    If you want to get ahead in life, invest in your own education.

  • 7

    It's amazing what we are capable of with the right knowledge.

  • 8

    It's up to us to utilize knowledge for good.

  • 9

    Be selective about the knowledge that you acquire.

  • 10

    Two minds are always greater than one.

  • 11

    Knowledge can help you out of any life situation you come across.

  • 12

    Controlling information comes with great responsibility.

  • 13

    Unless we accumulate knowledge, we give up our sense of freedom.

  • 14

    You have the option to be knowledgeable or be ignorant.

  • 15

    Knowledge is meant to be shared time and time again.

  • 16

    Gather knowledge like you're at an apple farm with an unlimited basket.

  • 17

    Knowledge can be tough to grasp, so be prepared for anything.

  • 18

    If you're not ready for the constant change we endure, you'll quickly fall.

  • 19

    We love power, so we must love knowledge too.

  • 20

    It's not the knowledge we gain, but rather how we use that knowledge.

  • 21

    Have you ever wondered how much power you can gain exactly?

  • 22

    As you increase your knowledge, you become increasingly wealthy.

  • 23

    There's a very strong difference between knowledge and wisdom.

  • 24

    Knowledge is power, but only to those that take advantage of it.

  • 25

    Nowadays, we do nothing but share knowledge!

Pick out your favorite knowledge is power quote and save it for later. Type it into the notes app on your phone, post it on your wall in your room, tape it to your fridge, do whatever you have to do to keep that quote implanted in your mind.

When we continue learning and educating ourselves beyond our school years, we can create a better future for both ourselves and our families. Isn't that the ultimate goal for everyone?