25 Mobile Phone Quotes We're All Guilty Of

Life by Cyrus

In today's society, we live and die by our phones. They're viewed as a lifeline and something that we need in order to survive. While they are very useful tools in our day-to-day lives, they can also cause us to fall out of touch with the world around us.

We can make fun of the cliché phone quotes we hear all the time, but there's a reason they've stuck around for so long. Maybe it's time we started actually listening to them!

  • 1

    You'll end up losing those that are closest to you.

  • 2

    I'm sure we've all told ourselves this before.

  • 3

    It's the epitome of a love-hate relationship.

  • 4

    Unfortunately, there will almost always be someone there.

  • 5

    No cell phone means no distractions or excuses.

  • 6

    We've always had some form of the phone in our life.

  • 7

    If you truly want to punish your child, take away their phone.

  • 8

    Phones house two lies for every truth.

  • 9

    It's amazing all the things our phones can do these days.

  • 10

    It's a good opportunity to tell them while you can.

  • 11

    Phones are only useful to a certain point.

  • 12

    We all struggle with terrible battery life on our phones.

  • 13

    Many of us wouldn't know what to do without our cell phone.

  • 14

    Phones are like having a personal notepad with you everywhere you go.

  • 15

    Be honest, how often do you travel without your phone?

  • 16

    As helpful as they are, phones can be quite difficult.

  • 17

    In the blink of an eye, you can have the answer to any question.

  • 18

    You never know who will call you and the ring is your only warning.

  • 19

    Phones do a lot of good, but they do just as much damage.

  • 20

    Owning a cell phone is like signing a contract you can't get out of.

  • 21

    It's the main reason why cell phones have a lock feature.

  • 22

    There's nothing better than a good old face-to-face conversation.

  • 23

    It's the perfect way to end your day.

  • 24

    As technology grows, our interest in learning shrinks.

  • 25

    A phone call can help you express yourself more than a text.

It's always important to know when your phone is needed and when it's not. It can help you out in many situations in life, but it won't help you out in all of them. When you start to find yourself spending too much time on your phone, think back to what these phone quotes are telling you.

Everybody gets caught up in their day-to-day life, but these busy in mobile quotes can help snap you out of it.