25 News Quotes

Life by Ronit Cytheria

In today's world it is important for you to stay updated with the vast information and so many things that are happening. You can learn many new things and events just at the comfort of your home. So many thoughts on news are circulating both through online and offline mediums. Here are some quotes on news that will help you reach new horizons and gain knowledge.

  • 1

    People need multiple sources of information to learn.

  • 2

    Good news should not be kept away from anyone; rather it should be shared with everyone.

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    Good news may not always be the whole truth which can be a good thing

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    Negativity can attract more than positivity.

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    If the whole situation is bad, it can never have a good outcome.

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    It takes more time for good information to reach people in comparison to bad news.

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    Words are more likely to spread faster in a less eventful place.

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    A situation might not be a part of reality without any witnesses to it.

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    Bad events and news get more coverage.

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    Beware about the hidden promotions being done disguised as news just to mask the truth.

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    Sometimes listening to news can feel very toxic and negative but addictive at the same time.

  • 12

    No matter how old a piece of bad information is, it doesn't change with time.

  • 13

    We can see history repeating itself with new faces and eventually being reported.

  • 14

    Be positive and do good to people. A lot of it will benefit you in return.

  • 15

    A tough and interesting piece of news often catches the eyes of people.

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    Hope will help you find a way regardless of the result.

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    If you think something is not right, make some efforts to make it better.

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    Survival can be hard.

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    A chain of events can be the beginning of history for the future.

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    Less important information can mislead people and make them believe in unrealistic lies.

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    One good thing might have different outcomes depending on an individual.

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    Even if you are seeing some dark times in life, you can turn it all around.

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    Reality can be hard to swallow but truth always sets a person free.

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    A lot of people can reap benefits from bad events of someone else's life.

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    You always have the power to turn any negative situation into a positive one.

Hopefully, these quotes on news will be helpful in imparting some lifelong wisdom in you. News consists of both the negative and positive events that happen around us. It is important to have rational thoughts on news to form a more advanced perception. You will start seeing the world around you in a new light.