25 Proud Quotes That Explains the Virtues and Vices of This Complicated Feeling

Inspiration by Ronit Cytheria

The feeling of pride is one of the natural human instincts. It can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on its applications. With this collection of 25 proud quotes, you will get a deeper understanding of this ambiguous feeling. There are also a few proud moments quotes. So, let's get reading!

  • 1

    Being proud of yourself is the foundation of all happiness.

  • 2

    Self-esteem is good.

  • 3

    Be proud of the things that teach you something.

  • 4

    A proud man can make a place proud of him.

  • 5

    You will find strength in doing the things you are proud of.

  • 6

    There is no success in doing things you aren't proud of.

  • 7

    Being proud is one of the prerequisites for freedom.

  • 8

    Feeling proud of somebody else makes us proud of ourselves.

  • 9

    A champion is someone who makes their mother proud.

  • 10

    By looking at heartbreaks proudly, we get the strength to live.

  • 11

    When you are proud, you learn in every step.

  • 12

    True pride makes our mind richer, not the body.

  • 13

    Accepting yourself as you are begins with being proud.

  • 14

    Being humble is something we can feel proud of.

  • 15

    Pride is a feeling that has to be earned.

  • 16

    Pride is essential to lead a dignified life.

  • 17

    A proud person only expects what he is ready to do himself.

  • 18

    Understand the fine line between being proud and being arrogant.

  • 19

    You can feel both proud and humble at the same time.

  • 20

    Being able to be proud of your own work is enough by itself.

  • 21

    It's very important to lead a life that you are proud of.

  • 22

    Being proud requires doing the right things.

  • 23

    Life is happier when you have achievements you're proud of.

  • 24

    A proud person usually experiences and overcomes many struggles.

  • 25

    It's better to lead a proud life, even if it's short.

To be courageous in life and keep going, one must first be proud of oneself. According to these proud quotes, we have to earn the right to experience this feeling. Hopefully, these proud of you quotes will guide you towards some accomplishments to be proud of.