25 Psycho Quotes and Sayings

Life by Ronit Cytheria

It is said that everyone has a little bit of craziness in them. However, being crazy is different from being a "psycho". Even though it is a pretty common word, many people don't understand the word "psycho" enough. Hopefully, these "psycho quotes" will help you understand this word a little more.

  • 1

    Psychos believe only in their understanding of reality.

  • 2

    Movies can make artistic psychos.

  • 3

    Let them call you a psycho; they can't touch you.

  • 4

    Keep your psycho personality to yourself, unless you are on stage.

  • 5

    Being fond of psychotic things doesn't make you a psycho.

  • 6

    The desire for a committed relationship doesn't make you a psycho.

  • 7

    Experiencing a psycho personality through acting might be fun.

  • 8

    You can't control the psycho in you.

  • 9

    Acting like a psycho might get you what you want.

  • 10

    Don't blame your mother if she is a psycho.

  • 11

    It is wise to avoid a psycho drug addict friend.

  • 12

    Brave women might be called psycho from time to time.

  • 13

    Your wife might jokingly call you a psycho.

  • 14

    Every psycho has a bit of sweetness in them.

  • 15

    Only a psycho always stays angry.

  • 16

    Not even a psycho would wear heels on the beach.

  • 17

    You can't be blamed for being psycho about food.

  • 18

    Remembering being a bit of a psycho in childhood is fun.

  • 19

    Psychotic behavior might make your life simple too.

  • 20

    Watching psycho movies is always enjoyable.

  • 21

    In a relationship, you can be a bit of a psycho.

  • 22

    Not following the dating rules doesn't make you a psycho.

  • 23

    Everyone becomes a psycho in college.

  • 24

    Acting the part of a psychopath might be exciting.

  • 25

    It's better to be a psycho on stage than in real life.

Different people use the word "psycho" differently, and some people are only using this word as a joke. So don't take it too seriously if you are called a "psycho" by others, especially if some of them are only making this judgment based on your new Instagram post or your Facebook status!