25 Top Play Quotes

Life by Ronit Cytheria

To play is usually taken to mean just having fun. Yet, most of us do not realize the significance of play. It is extremely important, especially in the early stages of life.

Never stop playing; that is the ultimate goal. Enjoy the following playing with kids quotes and quotes about play, and keep on playing!

  • 1

    Some people play for fun; others play to win.

  • 2

    Knowing how to play is a talent.

  • 3

    Having a place to play is also a necessity.

  • 4

    People of different cultures play differently.

  • 5

    When you're passionate about what you're doing, it feels as if you're playing.

  • 6

    Playing teaches you a lot about people.

  • 7

    Make sure playing is part of your day.

  • 8

    Teach your kids how to play with a purpose.

  • 9

    People who play are healthier people.

  • 10

    To stay young, never stop playing.

  • 11

    Play is simply a must.

  • 12

    To play means to apply your knowledge.

  • 13

    Play activates all children.

  • 14

    When kids play, they discover new worlds.

  • 15

    Include play in your kids' lives.

  • 16

    Our future needs us to play.

  • 17

    Playing is a good pastime.

  • 18

    Intelligent people realize the importance of play.

  • 19

    Playing can teach kids life lessons.

  • 20

    The seriousness of a child's play is what we need.

  • 21

    There is always going to be a part of you that wants to play.

  • 22

    Playing is not as easy as it looks.

  • 23

    Those who don't play have boring lives.

  • 24

    Play leads to better understanding.

  • 25

    When you play, don't be afraid to lose; it's part of it.

The above play quotes should have given you an important message about play. Playing is not just for fun, it actually develops all of the senses, especially for kids.

If you are an old person, do not deprive yourself of play every once in a while; do not live too seriously. Life is not worth it.