26 Be Like a Child Quotes and Sayings

Life by Ankita

There is a child inside every one of us. Life becomes unpleasant only when we suppress our inner child. However, acting like a child is not the same as being childish or immature. Acting childish implies that you're retaining your innocence and enthusiasm towards life. We hope that these "be like a child" quotes will inspire you to nurture and embrace your inner child.

Here is our selection of "being like a child" quotes.

  • 1

    Creative people are playful and childlike.

  • 2

    Comedians are childlike chic in a lot of ways.

  • 3

    Be like a child and you will find more magic in the art and the architecture.

  • 4

    It's important for a comic to retain his childish ability.

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    Retaining a sense of childish enthusiasm towards one's career is rare.

  • 6

    Your inner child gets restless at times.

  • 7

    Be clear, loving, spontaneous, infinitely flexible, and adventurous.

  • 8

    Don't stress too much about the failures.

  • 9

    We often resort to childlike behavior.

  • 10

    Enjoy your life like a child would.

  • 11

    A child's happiness needs no reason.

  • 12

    If you act maturely from a young age, there will be no difference when you grow up.

  • 13

    Being childish freshens up our days, but it's hard to be like an actual child.

  • 14

    You can behave like a child, but never act like a fool.

  • 15

    A child's mind is free and full of magic.

  • 16

    Being a child is enjoyable and stress-free.

  • 17

    Enjoy what you're doing with your greatest passion, just like a child would.

  • 18

    Be like a child if you want a blissful life.

  • 19

    It's not easy to be like a child.

  • 20

    If you want to be like a child, learn to understand nature and learn to love.

  • 21

    Learn to enjoy everything like a child.

  • 22

    Don't be afraid to enjoy your life as a child would.

  • 23

    Being childish is the way to find real happiness.

  • 24

    We can be happy only by being like children.

  • 25

    Pretending to be a child will make you much happier.

  • 26

    Don't care too much about winning or losing; just enjoy the process.

These "be like a child" quotes inspire us to embrace our inner child. Being like a child is all about living every day of life with enthusiasm, excitement, and positive anticipation. There are so much beauty and mystery in this world that you can see only when you're in touch with your inner child.

Do you have any favorite funny "be like a child" quote?