Top 25 Quotes About Movies

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Movies are most people's favorite form of entertainment. You can watch a movie alone or you can share the experience with friends and family. Movies can be good or bad and so can their effects; it all depends on what types of movies you watch. Enjoy the following quotes about movies.

  • 1

    The length of a movie can feel like an eternity if it's a bad one.

  • 2

    Movies are windows to other parts of the world.

  • 3

    Good old classic movies are easy to love.

  • 4

    When watching horror movies, you need a partner.

  • 5

    Movies are a major necessity nowadays.

  • 6

    Good movies don't depend entirely on the words spoken.

  • 7

    Watching movies can benefit a person more than going to school.

  • 8

    You should learn something from each movie.

  • 9

    Movies are great business for those who like to be praised.

  • 10

    Some people would rather watch real actors than movies.

  • 11

    Movies are a visualization of all sorts of art.

  • 12

    Watching movies can shape one's personality.

  • 13

    As we all know, the movie is for reference only.

  • 14

    A good movie never gets old.

  • 15

    Great movies are usually underrated.

  • 16

    Watching movies is like a coping mechanism.

  • 17

    There is a direct difference between film and reality.

  • 18

    Details in movies are not always intentional.

  • 19

    Watching movie previews can be more fun than actual movies.

  • 20

    Watching movies can be different, depending on the venue.

  • 21

    It's nothing to watch a bad movie, just don't be affected.

  • 22

    You should keep calm when watching movies.

  • 23

    When you watch a movie after reading the book, it'll be bad.

  • 24

    There are movies about everything in life.

  • 25

    A good soundtrack is an essential part of a great movie.

The previous watching movie quotes and movie time quotes are examples of how fun and important watching movies can be. They surely have some bad effects, but these are limited and subjective. As long as you remember to spend some time in the real world too, they're a great form of entertainment.