28 Funny Good Morning Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

No matter how the previous day was, every morning brings with it another opportunity to fulfill your dreams. Don't waste your time – jump out of bed and get going. However, a quick reality check tells us that most of us struggle with waking up in the morning. These funny good morning quotes encapsulate these morning struggles pretty well.

Here's our selection of funny morning quotes for you to enjoy:

  • 1

    Some people wake up so late.

  • 2

    Sleep is so enjoyable and very difficult to wake up from.

  • 3

    Wake up every morning to crush your goals.

  • 4

    It's annoying when people disturb your sleep.

  • 5

    People who wake up early seem to be oozing with self-confidence.

  • 6

    Morning is a better time to make decisions.

  • 7

    It's totally worth waking up early to watch the sunrise.

  • 8

    Waking up late can cause a chain reaction of lack of coordination.

  • 9

    It's annoying to be woken up by the alarm clock.

  • 10

    Be grateful for each day you wake up.

  • 11

    Every day you're alive is an opportunity to make an impact.

  • 12

    Whether you like it or not, time will keep moving.

  • 13

    For some people, it's impossible to wake up before noon.

  • 14

    Don't make oversleeping your habit.

  • 15

    It's easy to go back to sleep by hitting the snooze button every morning.

  • 16

    Most people lose the morning battle of waking up on time.

  • 17

    Early morning dreams are great but oversleeping should be avoided.

  • 18

    It's easy to sleep after hitting the snooze button.

  • 19

    If you're still alive, you have a purpose.

  • 20

    Hitting the snooze button will not pause time.

  • 21

    Wake up with excitement and not with exhaustion.

  • 22

    In the mornings, we feel refreshed and think better.

  • 23

    For some people, coffee is their motivation for waking up.

  • 24

    It's not worth fighting the alarm on your phone every morning.

  • 25

    Only a lazy person could have thought of creating the snooze button.

  • 26

    Most people are having the best dreams when the alarm tone hits.

  • 27

    Nothing beats the feeling of knowing you have more time to sleep.

  • 28

    It's hard to sleep on time but even harder to wake up.

These funny good morning quotes present our struggles to wake up every day with a bit of humor. It's hilarious thinking about this very human predicament that all of us face to some extent or another. No one enjoys leaving a warm comfortable bed every morning but the ones who compel themselves to get up and get going are the winners who get rewarded by life.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of funny good morning quotes.