28 Hangover Sayings and Quotes

Life by Ankita

Many people enjoy getting drunk, but no one likes waking up with a hangover! The movies glamorize waking up with a hangover, but everyone knows that hangovers are a complete nuisance to deal with. We hope that these hangover sayings will keep you away from alcohol.

Here is our selection of hangover expressions sayings.

  • 1

    You can't get a hangover as long as you're still drunk.

  • 2

    Hangovers can be classified as "wine flu".

  • 3

    A hangover reminds you of your own idiotic actions.

  • 4

    People don't mind hangovers as long as they've made good memories being drunk.

  • 5

    Creating marketing material is not an easy task.

  • 6

    If grapes had to express their anger towards you, they'd give you a hangover.

  • 7

    All hangovers leave you feeling ill.

  • 8

    There is nothing redemptive about hangovers.

  • 9

    People would stop drinking alcohol if the headache happens before getting drunk.

  • 10

    Hangovers leave you with lots of regrets.

  • 11

    Hangovers bring people back to reality.

  • 12

    Hangovers can't be cured with home remedies.

  • 13

    What could make a person happier than waking up without a hangover.

  • 14

    Drunks suffer from hangovers quite often.

  • 15

    Hangovers make us question our past actions.

  • 16

    Is there any real cure for a hangover?

  • 17

    There's nothing good about partying and getting a hangover.

  • 18

    It's the masses that pay for the actions of the Wall Street bankers.

  • 19

    Grease can be an off but effective cure for a hangover.

  • 20

    You can't afford to get a hangover if you have kids.

  • 21

    Some people find inspiration while they have a hangover.

  • 22

    Sometimes, a hangover can remind people of the good times they've had.

  • 23

    Receiving unnecessary attention can feel as disgusting as a hangover.

  • 24

    Sleeping is a better choice than getting drunk and waking up with a hangover.

  • 25

    It's tough to fully eliminate hatred from our hearts.

  • 26

    There comes a point when time ceases to exist in our reality.

  • 27

    There is nothing glamorous about hangovers.

  • 28

    A hangover is the price you pay for getting drunk.

These hangover sayings show us that waking up with a hangover is not fun at all. Besides, getting drunk and acting stupid are nothing more than acts of self-destruction. You'd be better off doing something pleasant and constructive for yourself.

We hope you liked our collection of hangover captions.