28 Society Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Human beings are social creatures because they like living in the company of others. All of us have a strong need to connect with others and form a meaningful bond. A society is defined as an organized community of individuals. These society quotes make us think about the characteristics and norms of all human societies.

Here is our selection of quotes about society:

  • 1

    Insanity is the norm when it comes to groups, parties, nations, and epochs.

  • 2

    It's not healthy to be a well-adjusted person in a sick society.

  • 3

    Good humor is received well in society.

  • 4

    It takes three or more people to form a society.

  • 5

    There is a strong division between the rich and the poor in society.

  • 6

    The public should have a say in imparting social justice.

  • 7

    Free and intelligent men never do or believe what the majority favors.

  • 8

    The development of virtual reality will cause the downfall of society.

  • 9

    What's not good for a society can't be suitable for its individuals.

  • 10

    All societies are built on a plethora of insanities.

  • 11

    No one can exist without society.

  • 12

    Individual life is a reflection of society.

  • 13

    Society should organize its people to do what they want to do.

  • 14

    Troublemakers can promote social progress.

  • 15

    Currently, our society is run by crazy people to meet pathological goals.

  • 16

    A society founded on strong moral values treats weak and poor people well.

  • 17

    Social factors are the root cause of crime.

  • 18

    A free society takes care of its poor.

  • 19

    The level of social wisdom is insufficient.

  • 20

    Society is a misleading mental construct.

  • 21

    We all bear an unjust amount of pressure from society.

  • 22

    People in American society complain a lot.

  • 23

    You'll feel free in a society that makes you feel comfortable.

  • 24

    Freedom of speech is a basic right in a normal society.

  • 25

    Some people help build a stronger society by truly being themselves.

  • 26

    Social conformity will prevent you from realizing your full potential.

  • 27

    Every society has its natural leaders and advisors.

  • 28

    Social norms are usually quite insane.

These society quotes show us that herd mentality can be quite ridiculous. Therefore, social norms generally appear pretty insane to critical thinkers. We need the company of others in order to feel fulfilled. However, we should never compromise with our own truth merely to mere fit into society.

Do you have any favorite slogan about society?