29 "Broken Promises" Quotes That You Can Use as a Guide in Your Daily Life

Life by Ronit Cytheria

There are some "broken promises quotes" you should keep in mind. And let them become a guide as you live your daily life. Never make promises that you cannot fulfill because that will ruin your reputation. The "broken promises quotes" will help you make better decisions in life.

  • 1

    People can get hurt if you do not fulfill your promises.

  • 2

    It is easy for some people to break their promises.

  • 3

    When people do not keep their promises, their words weren't genuine.

  • 4

    People can make promises and not fulfill them.

  • 5

    People can make some promises they have no intention of fulfilling.

  • 6

    Promises can be words that people say with no guarantees.

  • 7

    People who postpone the fulfillment of their promises will never receive appreciation.

  • 8

    A promise is a debt that you should always try to pay.

  • 9

    Always do your best to keep the promises you make.

  • 10

    A person's reputation will determine if they will keep their promises.

  • 11

    Expect nothing to last forever, people will come and go in your life.

  • 12

    God's promises are the only ones that will never become shattered.

  • 13

    Never make promises that you cannot keep.

  • 14

    If you make promises, you will incur some obligations.

  • 15

    Making promises that you cannot keep can put you in embarrassing situations.

  • 16

    You can ruin your reputation when you don't keep your promises.

  • 17

    People who care about you will keep the promises they make to you.

  • 18

    Do not make several promises if you cannot keep them.

  • 19

    People will never forget the promises you did not keep.

  • 20

    Lots of people make promises that they never keep.

  • 21

    People who keep repeating a promise will not fulfill it.

  • 22

    Some people make promises because of their hopes.

  • 23

    Do not put your hope in people who promise too much.

  • 24

    Your reputation and integrity are at stake when you make a vow.

  • 25

    Friends can become enemies when you don't keep your promises.

  • 26

    Always prove yourself by keeping your promises.

  • 27

    The promises people fulfill reveal their actual character.

  • 28

    The people who fulfill their promises are the ones with an excellent reputation.

  • 29

    Promises can either make or break some things.

Broken promises quotes above show that keeping promises reveals your genuine character. And people will never forget the vows you didn't fulfill. So be careful and know that your integrity is at stake. Also, share "broken promises" quotes and sayings with friends and loved ones. Because they need to know about the consequences of broken promises.