29 Oil Conservation Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Oil is a finite resource. It is amazing how strongly dependent our lives have become on this one natural resource. It is often a cause of strife between countries and is usually a major topic of concern for the world's biggest economies. We hope the quotes on oil conservation that we have included in this article will inspire you to do your bit to save the planet.

Here is our selection of oil conservation quotes:

  • 1

    Most of the jobs in the oil industry are messy.

  • 2

    Oil is a valuable resource and runs many economies.

  • 3

    Oil is a limited resource – hence, not the best thing to invest in.

  • 4

    Oil prices are immensely susceptible to political and economic states.

  • 5

    Clean energy isn't promoted because huge profits are at stake for the oil industry.

  • 6

    Oil prices fluctuate wildly with even slight changes in supply.

  • 7

    Oil is a precious natural resource formed over long periods of time.

  • 8

    Oil is the dominant resource that powers the transport sector.

  • 9

    Oil is highly sought out for.

  • 10

    Oil is needed more with population expansion.

  • 11

    To conserve energy, use your car less.

  • 12

    Oil is responsible for a major part of the earth's pollution.

  • 13

    Every time you use a car, you are reducing oil on the earth.

  • 14

    The earth's oil resources are finite and non-replenishable.

  • 15

    We need to reduce our dependence on oil.

  • 16

    Oil prices are surely going to go up in the future.

  • 17

    Push for greener earth by conserving oil.

  • 18

    The oil industry is motivated by the desire for short-term profits.

  • 19

    Moving fast helps save fuel.

  • 20

    Using less fuel helps restore the earth and save you money.

  • 21

    We are consuming too much fuel.

  • 22

    Coal and oil lobbyists are quite corrupt.

  • 23

    The US is heavily reliant on other countries for oil.

  • 24

    India is using less Iranian oil now.

  • 25

    America has a great demand for oil.

  • 26

    Venezuela must preserve its oil reserves.

  • 27

    Fuel is a limited resource that must be used wisely.

  • 28

    Strive to use as little fuel as possible.

  • 29

    We need to realize that oil reserves are not going to last forever.

These quotes on oil conservation inspire us to do our bit to protect the earth's precious natural resources. Never think that you are too small to make a difference or that what you're doing is insignificant. Do whatever you can because everyone's contribution matters.

Are there any quotes on oil that resonate with you in particular?