29 Quotes About Being Lucky to Have Someone

Love by Ankita

Life is so much better when you have someone by your side who loves you. In fact, nothing in the world can ever compare to the feeling of loving and being loved. These quotes about being lucky to have someone remind us how beautiful love really is and how lucky we are to have someone in our lives.

Here is our selection of being lucky to have someone quotes.

  • 1

    I am really happy to have you in my life.

  • 2

    I want you to know how much I value you.

  • 3

    I wish you could see yourself from my eyes and realize just how special you are.

  • 4

    I'm always happy with you by my side.

  • 5

    I know that I am never going to find anyone like you.

  • 6

    You have brought great happiness to my life.

  • 7

    My wish of making you mine has come true.

  • 8

    I constantly keep falling in love with you all over again.

  • 9

    I can't imagine my life without you.

  • 10

    I haven't been able to help falling in love with you.

  • 11

    I can never describe how much and why I love you.

  • 12

    I'll do just about anything to keep you in my life.

  • 13

    I want to spend every day of my life with you.

  • 14

    My entire world will fall apart if I lose you.

  • 15

    I'm deeply content because I have you with me.

  • 16

    My heart is joyful when you are present with me.

  • 17

    Your love brightens my life.

  • 18

    Your love has transformed me in so many wonderful ways.

  • 19

    I don't want to lose you at any cost.

  • 20

    It's one of the most heartfelt dream boyfriend quotes to show your guy your love.

  • 21

    It's your fault that every morning I wake up smiling.

  • 22

    I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't met you.

  • 23

    It's one of the most beautiful quotes about spending time with your boyfriend.

  • 24

    You are my motivation to wake up every morning.

  • 25

    Growing together is truly a privilege.

  • 26

    It's amazing to have you as my spouse and best friend.

  • 27

    I want to express my love to you in so many different ways.

  • 28

    I love the old, the present, and the future you.

  • 29

    I don't think that I can live without you.

These quotes about being lucky to have someone remind us to value and cherish the person who is dearest to our hearts. The purpose of life is to love and be loved. Don't ever hesitate in expressing your love to your special someone.