30 Alcohol Quotes That Will Inspire You Abstain from It

Life by Cyrus

Alcohol is one of the greatest addictions of mankind. People drink to celebrate, to mourn, and for all the reasons that fall in-between these two. The irony is that, initially, a person starts out by choosing to drink but very soon the addiction exercises complete power over him. We hope that these alcohol quotes will inspire you to maintain a healthy distance from this vice that has destroyed many men and women.

Here is our selection of drinking alcohol quotes:

  • 1

    Once you start to drink, it's easy to get addicted to drinking.

  • 2

    Liquor does its work very quickly.

  • 3

    Don't make lofty promises when you are drunk.

  • 4

    Some men are more fun when they're drunk.

  • 5

    Drunkenness is all about acting crazy by choice.

  • 6

    Life is too beautiful to be wasted by numbing the senses.

  • 7

    Don't make the mistake of drowning your miseries in alcohol.

  • 8

    The source of all happiness exists within.

  • 9

    Choosing to abstain from alcohol can be profoundly liberating.

  • 10

    We don't miss out on anything by giving up drinking.

  • 11

    Some people manage their pain by turning to alcoholism.

  • 12

    Alcoholic beverages taste awful.

  • 13

    A nap is a better solution for refreshing ourselves than an alcoholic beverage.

  • 14

    People think getting drunk is a better drug than any other drug.

  • 15

    Alcohol can overpower an individual more forcefully than any enemy ever could.

  • 16

    Never let yourself addicted to drinking.

  • 17

    Some people don't know they have a drinking problem but they do.

  • 18

    All addicts crave alcohol without realizing that they have an alcohol problem.

  • 19

    Irish coffee is a medley of everything that's harmful to us.

  • 20

    People will justify drinking alcohol in any way possible despite knowing it is harmful.

  • 21

    Getting drunk makes most people say things they'd normally keep to themselves.

  • 22

    Drunkenness makes most people very candid.

  • 23

    Drunk people forget their manners.

  • 24

    Alcohol can make people feel temporarily elated.

  • 25

    A drunk person finds everyone and everything beautiful.

  • 26

    Drunkards don't need any reason to get drunk.

  • 27

    Alcohol incites a false sense of bravado that gets people in trouble.

  • 28

    Drunkards prefer to turn a blind eye to all the side effects of alcohol.

  • 29

    Drunkards have fallen in love with alcohol and drinking.

  • 30

    For some people, it's hard to tell whether they are drunk or being stupid.

These alcohol quotes help us recognize how powerful this drink is in overpowering our good sense and willpower. It is easier to abstain from the first drink itself than to stop drinking once you have had your first or second alcoholic beverage.

We hope you enjoyed our anthology of alcoholic quotes.