31 Best Drawing Quotes from Masters of Art

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Drawing is an art that has been around for millions of years and is an integral part of man's way of life. Most of our history is explained by drawings that have been crafted in caves and other solid surfaces, such as rocks. Are you a talented artist looking for motivational, inspirational, and humorous drawing quotes to power you through your struggles? If yes, we have prepared some of the best quotes about drawing by famous artists. We hope you enjoy these drawing quotes.

  • 1

    Failure in art is what makes you become greater - embrace it.

  • 2

    There is more to drawing than just dragging a pencil across paper.

  • 3

    Drawing is not only appealing to the eyes, it's a challenge to the brain.

  • 4

    Drawing can be a great tool for self-development.

  • 5

    Drawing is simply breathtaking.

  • 6

    Drawing is an art that is basic to human existence.

  • 7

    Drawing provides an in-depth understanding of someone's emotions.

  • 8

    Drawing is the foundation of every art that exists.

  • 9

    Drawing opens the mind to new possibilities.

  • 10

    Great drawing lies in what cannot be seen by the naked eye.

  • 11

    There is nothing such as gender when it comes to art.

  • 12

    Drawing is a real-time reflection of the world.

  • 13

    Drawing is built upon the spirit of the world.

  • 14

    The first drawing is important as it carries with it emotions and skill.

  • 15

    Interpretation of drawing is the ultimate goal.

  • 16

    Drawing is a true reflection of an artist's personality.

  • 17

    Great drawing calls for the ability to see beyond what others see.

  • 18

    Drawing represents the blueprint of a work of art.

  • 19

    Character development defines the originality of an artist.

  • 20

    Everyone has that drawing they suppress, and it, in turn, affects them negatively.

  • 21

    Becoming good at drawing needs persistence.

  • 22

    Consistency builds great artists.

  • 23

    Drawing is the link between man and the universe.

  • 24

    The message behind every drawing is what makes it worthy.

  • 25

    Great drawing is about communication with your audience.

  • 26

    Drawing is the foundation of learning.

  • 27

    Drawing can is a source of identity.

  • 28

    The best part of drawing is that you get to present ideas to others.

  • 29

    Drawing tells us more about the world.

  • 30

    Drawing is more than just an art, it's like magic!

  • 31

    Drawing is an exhilarating art that needs calculated moves.

We hope this collection of drawing quotes amused and motivated you to continue with your quest to greatness in the art. We also hope you captured the message passed by the artists in the drawing quotes we listed and are willing to make use of them in your day-to-day drawing activities.