30 Brainy Quotes by Famous Authors

Inspiration by Ankita

Famous authors throughout history have left beautiful nuggets of wisdom for us to mull over. In this article, we have compiled some of the best famous author quotes for your reference. Take your time to read each quote at least a few times.

Here is our selection of brainy quotes by famous authors.

  • 1

    Writing poetry is an experience of exploration and discovery.

  • 2

    It's your responsibility to write the book you want to read if it doesn't already exist.

  • 3

    A good writer must spend a lot of time reading and writing.

  • 4

    Being a perfectionist is a waste of time.

  • 5

    Imagination gives us the power to manifest a beautiful life.

  • 6

    Writing is a therapeutic experience.

  • 7

    Losers prefer to live easy lives.

  • 8

    What matters most in life is making the most of everything you've got.

  • 9

    Art allows us to transcend the banalities of everyday life.

  • 10

    Everything is possible for a real artist.

  • 11

    Failure is a part of life.

  • 12

    Everything is difficult in the beginning.

  • 13

    Mistakes are unavoidable when you're doing something for the first time.

  • 14

    Don't attach your happiness to transitory things.

  • 15

    A man's fate is determined by his beliefs and ideas about himself.

  • 16

    To be a good writer, you need life experience.

  • 17

    Having a companion can slow you down at times.

  • 18

    Doing quality work requires you to maintain your standards even when no one's looking.

  • 19

    Look for solutions instead of dwelling on the problem.

  • 20

    You can't experience the same thing twice.

  • 21

    Change is an eternal constant in life.

  • 22

    You get the chance to begin again with every new sunshine.

  • 23

    Reading expands one's mind and understanding of the world.

  • 24

    Being a good parent is the most important job in the world.

  • 25

    By being passionately curious, you can achieve greatness.

  • 26

    Thinking freely requires a lot of courage.

  • 27

    You're truly wealthy only when you know how to be content with what you've got.

  • 28

    Intensity of focus is what separates a successful man from everyone else.

  • 29

    You have to be different if you want to be irreplaceable.

  • 30

    Only a strong person is capable of practicing forgiveness.

These famous author quotes are densely packed with wisdom. Each quote can be expanded into a long essay. Life is all about personal growth and spiritual expansion. We must treat every life experience as a necessary step towards becoming our best selves.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of author quotes.