30 Crush Quotes to Express Yourself

Love by Ankita

Having a crush on someone can be terribly exciting and incredibly exhilarating. You are guaranteed to get butterflies in your stomach every time you're in the presence of such a person. Your heart skips a beat and the only thing you ever wish for is to be with them forever. These crush quotes for him perfectly capture such emotions.

Here is our selection of crush quotes.

  • 1

    Our crushes are not ours but we never want to lose them.

  • 2

    We are disappointed quite often by our crushes.

  • 3

    Let's start over, only this time, together.

  • 4

    It's painful when the person you love doesn't even know how you feel about them.

  • 5

    I may remain silent but I'm dying to speak to you.

  • 6

    It's painful to be with someone who is never going to be yours.

  • 7

    I always look forward to seeing you.

  • 8

    I can't help liking you.

  • 9

    I'm mesmerized by you.

  • 10

    I always want you to see the best of me.

  • 11

    I think I am falling in love with you.

  • 12

    Unrequited love is excruciatingly painful.

  • 13

    I wish that you'd want me as much as I want you.

  • 14

    I love always having you on my mind.

  • 15

    I think I'm just going to tell you that I have a crush on you.

  • 16

    I finally mustered the courage to tell you that I have a crush on you.

  • 17

    The thought of our love gives me hope.

  • 18

    I woke up this morning and realized that I have a crush on you.

  • 19

    I'm going to love you even if you don't love me back.

  • 20

    You are the only person I want to be with.

  • 21

    I want you really bad even though I don't want to.

  • 22

    I feel I have lost you without actually ever having you.

  • 23

    I really want you to love me back.

  • 24

    I feel hurt when you don't respond to my texts.

  • 25

    Some crushes transform into full-fledged obsessions.

  • 26

    Your friendship was so great, but what I wanted was your love.

  • 27

    I'm always thinking about you.

  • 28

    It is very difficult to forget someone who matters to us.

  • 29

    Having a crush on someone can make you feel alive.

  • 30

    Unrequited love is painful.

These crush quotes for him capture the madness and excitement of being around someone you'd like to have as yours. Life is too short to keep your feelings hidden. Hence, don't hesitate from telling your crush how you feel about them.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of quotes about your crush.