30 Falling Out of Love Quotes and Sayings

Love by Ankita

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. There is nothing more magical than being in love and sharing beautiful moments with that special someone. Hence, it is extremely tragic when a relationship comes to an end. These "falling out of love" quotes capture the pain and trauma that comes with trying to forget someone who meant the world to us.

Here is our selection of "am I falling out of love" quotes.

  • 1

    No matter how much we love someone, relationships do come to an end.

  • 2

    It's hard to stop loving someone who means the world to you.

  • 3

    It's hard to forget someone you wanted to spend your life with.

  • 4

    Getting betrayed is a lot worse than falling out of love.

  • 5

    When you start thinking about falling out of love, your relationship almost ends.

  • 6

    Falling out of love can be an insane experience.

  • 7

    True love can never be lost.

  • 8

    People fall out of love when they quit trying to retain their relationship.

  • 9

    It's not worth holding on to a relationship if the other person doesn't want to.

  • 10

    Some people fall out of love even faster than they fall in love.

  • 11

    Your life partner is someone with whom you can keep falling in love with.

  • 12

    A couple falls out of love when they stop nourishing their relationship.

  • 13

    Dreamers fall in and out of love quickly.

  • 14

    The person who's no longer in love feels easier in parting.

  • 15

    Eventually, you fall out of love and that special one becomes a memory.

  • 16

    Breaking up is easier than falling out of love.

  • 17

    It's very difficult to stop loving someone.

  • 18

    The person who has fallen out of love makes excuses to end the relationship.

  • 19

    Pretending to love someone you no longer care about is quite pathetic.

  • 20

    Sometimes people just stop loving us.

  • 21

    The person who has fallen out of love hunts for flaws in the other person.

  • 22

    Some people are addicted to falling in and out of love.

  • 23

    Falling out of love is an awful experience.

  • 24

    It feels good to no longer care about someone who doesn't love you.

  • 25

    We fall out of love when we forget to appreciate the other person.

  • 26

    You can learn a lot about love by falling out of love.

  • 27

    It's tragic to fall out of love with someone or something that has shaped you.

  • 28

    Sometimes, it's good to enjoy the process of falling out of love.

  • 29

    Falling out of love is always a cruel experience.

  • 30

    Falling out of love turns someone familiar into a stranger.

These "falling out of love" quotes show us that forcing oneself to stop loving someone we deeply care about is always very painful. However, we must move on in life if there's no way to salvage that broken relationship. There is always something better on the horizon for you.

What, according to you, are the signs you're falling out of love?