30 Funny Quotes About Brother And Sister

Family by Ankita

One day my sister held me on her back, and I fell. She told me to make it our secret, and I shouldn't tell anyone. I am sure there are similar stories that you share with your siblings. So funny brother and sister quote will bring laughter to your day. And brother sister funny quotes are reminders of special moments with loved ones.

  • 1

    Living with sisters sometimes makes you feel like you're living in Cinderella's house.

  • 2

    Sometimes your sisters and brothers can fight like cats and dogs.

  • 3

    Do not copy your sister's hairstyle without her permission.

  • 4

    Big sisters like making fun of the younger ones.

  • 5

    You're lucky that I am your sister.

  • 6

    I will always fight for my sister.

  • 7

    You'll always see your childhood based on the stories told by your siblings.

  • 8

    I didn't ask to be your brother, but I'm proud of it.

  • 9

    Sometimes, you have to find funny ways to tell your brother he'll never become famous.

  • 10

    Your sibling is your closest compatible organ donor.

  • 11

    Some brothers and sisters are not close friends.

  • 12

    Some brothers take pleasure in teasing their sisters.

  • 13

    I have the weirdest siblings in the world.

  • 14

    Sometimes, we fight, but we are always there for each other.

  • 15

    You always act childish when you are with your siblings.

  • 16

    Sister, don't tell my secrets to our parents.

  • 17

    My big sister is my guardian angel.

  • 18

    Siblings know everything great and awful about each other.

  • 19

    Sometimes, sisters wear your clothes without asking for permission.

  • 20

    There is never enough time for fun with your siblings!

  • 21

    Our love makes us real brothers and sisters.

  • 22

    You cannot change the fact that you are my brother.

  • 23

    I can never understand brothers, they are so weird.

  • 24

    A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.

  • 25

    Every member of my family is funny.

  • 26

    Your siblings know you before you were born.

  • 27

    Love between siblings is challenging to describe.

  • 28

    Always have fun with your brothers and sisters.

  • 29

    I am happy to be your entertainment!

  • 30

    A brother is so much better than a superhero.

Those are some beautiful funny brother quotes from a sister above. You realize you're not the only one who finds it hard to understand your brother. Also, remember brothers and sisters can be a source of inspiration. Besides, send a funny brother and sister quote to those siblings that are so unique.