30 Funny Quotes About College to Help You Get Through It

Life by Habiba

Attending college can be challenging. Having to study, complete assignments, and pass exams is a lot to handle. So we have this collection of funny college quotes to bring laughter to your life. Also, separating from loved ones to be at college is scary. And our first day of college quotes will give you boldness to face those fears.

  • 1

    A college education will give you the income to send your children to college.

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    Sometimes, a college education can make you foolish.

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    Some students sleep while the professor is talking.

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    Enjoy your college life, and don't let it kill you.

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    Philosophy can give you deep thoughts about unemployment.

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    College students are drinking from the fountain of knowledge or sipping alcohol.

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    Enjoy every bit of your life at college.

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    Some lecturers are so dull, they put students to sleep.

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    The library is one of the best places to educate yourself.

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    The realities of preparing a thesis can bore you to death.

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    Life has changed! You can major in anything at a university now.

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    At college, your parents spend money for you to do whatever you want.

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    At university, you need to learn to tolerate fools.

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    Experiences at college can be a shocking reality for some people.

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    College life can remove modesty and humor from students.

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    Appreciate the fact that trees gave up their lives to become your books!

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    The demands at college can make you forget to attend classes.

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    Food at college can be so expensive.

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    College is challenging because you always have to wake up early.

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    A college degree is not a guarantee you'll have a successful job.

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    If stupid people can graduate from college, you can too.

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    Plan your education with wisdom, and you will achieve success.

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    If you start today, you can become an expert.

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    College life is full of problems you have to keep up with.

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    The people in your group projects can be unreliable.

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    Never look at another student to find an answer during exams.

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    Some students need to get a reality check before leaving college.

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    University trains fools to become more dangerous.

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    College can give you an unusual perspective about things.

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    Some colleges believe it's necessary to always advertise their associates.

Funny college quotes reveal that some experiences can be shocking. Because while some are drinking from the fountain of knowledge, others drink alcohol. Send a few "funny college quotes funny" to your classmates and friends. Also, put them on your Facebook page to share some humor with others.