30 Funny Relationship Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Relationships are a major area of focus in nearly everyone's life. There is nothing more beautiful than being in love. However, all relationships are tragic, comic, and dramatic in their own right. These funny relationship quotes will certainly bring a smile to your face.

Here is our selection of funny quotes about love and relationships.

  • 1

    Patience and self-control are key qualities to look for in a partner.

  • 2

    Many people became unhappy in their marriages.

  • 3

    Love requires mutual effort.

  • 4

    We would likely choose not to enter relationships if we could see the future of them.

  • 5

    Marriage confines us.

  • 6

    Men and women marry for different reasons that ultimately lead to disappointment.

  • 7

    A relationship works out only when at least one person is humble.

  • 8

    Marriage never comes with any guarantees.

  • 9

    Choose your partner wisely and learn to tolerate them afterward.

  • 10

    It's not worth it to be in a marriage that's exhausting.

  • 11

    Every man loves being around a woman who listens to him.

  • 12

    It is best to ignore some of the things that your spouse says.

  • 13

    A great marriage happens when you find one special person you love annoying.

  • 14

    Love compels us to act from our emotions while eschewing logic.

  • 15

    No one can completely see through a woman.

  • 16

    It's a husband's job to prevent his wife from doing something impulsive.

  • 17

    There's no point in trying to guess a woman's age.

  • 18

    It's impossible to get to know someone who has intimacy problems.

  • 19

    Sometimes a relationship works better when both people don't speak much.

  • 20

    Introducing your special someone to your family can be a disastrous move.

  • 21

    It's one thing to decide to get married and another to find a husband.

  • 22

    Some women just always get involved with unsuitable men.

  • 23

    For some women, marriage is akin to murder.

  • 24

    Love can never be forced.

  • 25

    To have a great relationship with someone, you need to be happy by yourself first.

  • 26

    Even in a monogamous marriage, your wife has many personalities.

  • 27

    Women thrive on compliments.

  • 28

    Assumptions are extremely damaging to relationships.

  • 29

    Failed relationships fill us with regret.

  • 30

    To a man in love, his beloved is the most beautiful.

These funny relationship quotes are totally relatable. Anyone who has been in a relationship knows what the lover's plight is like. There is a strong element of pathos bordering on the ludicrous. We all dream of spending our lives with the person we love most. However, marriage requires a lot of work and dedication.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of funny relationship quotes.