30 Greed Quotes That Will Keep You Content

Life by Habiba

To be greedy is to not be content and grateful for what you have. Many people chase after vanity with the aim of bettering their lifestyle. This is a wrong approach to life and has led men of wisdom, great authors and celebrities come up with quotes about greed to help the populace. These sayings about greed will expose many to the light and turn their mind from greed towards contentment. Greed quotes can help bring a new perspective to the minds of many that have been led astray. Therefore we have put together 30 greed quotes to learn about and motivate contentment. Check them out below:

  • 1

    Most unsuccessful people remain unsuccessful because of their greed.

  • 2

    Greed is a global threat; its effects are endless.

  • 3

    Life doesn't give a greedy man all his cravings.

  • 4

    The greed of leaders has a lasting effect on the nations.

  • 5

    Greed causes some people to keep unwanted stuff.

  • 6

    Love for money and greed has turned many away from God.

  • 7

    War drains the nation's economy.

  • 8

    Contentment is a choice.

  • 9

    It is wise to escape being poor without getting greedy..

  • 10

    The love for material things has made many turn their backs to the truth.

  • 11

    You can't please a greedy man.

  • 12

    The cravings of a greedy man are endless.

  • 13

    Greed is more about mentality than money.

  • 14

    The world can't please a greedy man.

  • 15

    Greed has no positive rewards.

  • 16

    Nothing will ever please a greedy man.

  • 17

    Societies must destroy the foundation of greed.

  • 18

    With equity and modernization, you can build an excellent organization.

  • 19

    Above all things, do not be selfish.

  • 20

    Greed is increasing in the hearts of men daily.

  • 21

    A greedy man can lose everything while chasing everything.

  • 22

    A greedy man's only goal is to get rich and not to help others which is why he never gets truly rich.

  • 23

    Greed is an ever flowing river of dissatisfaction and evil.

  • 24

    The greedy dominate in the place of government.

  • 25

    Many lost the credit for their work to greedy individuals.

  • 26

    Greed is a universal problem.

  • 27

    Greed continues to empower civilization.

  • 28

    Many have done the unimaginable all because of greed.

  • 29

    Greed enforces injustice and corruption.

  • 30

    Greedy people often lack creativity and belief in their own craft.

Understanding these quotes about greed gives you wisdom about cravings and contentment. Greed is never an option! A content lifestyle is the only solution for greediness. We hope you will be convinced that life is much better without greed.