30 Heart-touching Quotes About Loss

Life by Ankita

Nothing in this world is permanent. All things, people, and circumstances are temporary. Hence, the experience of loss is a natural part of the human experience. How we handle our losses determines whether they'd make us stronger or weaker. We hope these quotes about loss will inspire you to use all your difficult life experiences to become a stronger person.

Here is our selection of quotes on loss.

  • 1

    The experience of loss comes hand-in-hand with a sense of liberation.

  • 2

    Nothing is ever truly lost.

  • 3

    Love without attachment because nothing and nobody is truly ours.

  • 4

    Loss helps us understand the transitory nature of the world.

  • 5

    We appreciate the value of what we had only after losing it.

  • 6

    We don't value many people until they are no longer in our lives.

  • 7

    Great love brings with it the potential to experience great loss.

  • 8

    It's the loss that teaches us perseverance and resilience.

  • 9

    Every loss should strengthen your motivation to win.

  • 10

    Our lives are temporal and fleeting compared to the eternity after.

  • 11

    Death is final.

  • 12

    Always remember the lessons each loss teaches you.

  • 13

    Don't think about what you've lost – focus on what you still have.

  • 14

    The loss of one special person creates a void in our hearts.

  • 15

    We never completely lose someone we loved; they remain in our hearts.

  • 16

    Whoever or whatever we have loved, lives within us forever.

  • 17

    When we lose a special person, they still live in our hearts

  • 18

    Loved ones we lose remain in our hearts forever.

  • 19

    Treasure the lessons your losses teach you.

  • 20

    Healing occurs only when we face our loss and embrace our grief.

  • 21

    The loss of a loved one is the hardest thing to bear in life.

  • 22

    The love we have for anyone or anything will ultimately end in grief.

  • 23

    For those who believe in God, no loss is ever permanent.

  • 24

    A barren woman suffers more than a woman who has lost her child.

  • 25

    The loss of a loved one teaches us a lot of important lessons.

  • 26

    We don't realize how much we love someone until we've lost them.

  • 27

    Abandon your ego when with someone you love.

  • 28

    Mutual love is infinitely beautiful; love lost is extremely heartbreaking.

  • 29

    With the loss, grief is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.

  • 30

    The carefree curiosity of a child makes him/her immune to the grief of loss.

These quotes about loss show us that grief, adversities, and difficult life experiences can strengthen our soul if we choose to embrace the lessons that are hidden within them. It will not be easy, but is the only way to heal. Make the choice to rise above all your challenges and difficult life experiences.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of loss quotes.