30 Heartfelt Rest in Peace Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Losing a loved one is one of the most heartbreaking experiences for everyone. Death scares you away because you know that the person who you hold so dear has gone, and no matter what you do, they will not come back. Once a person is gone, pray for their beautiful soul to rest in peace. Read these famous quotes about resting in peace if you're grieving the loss of your loved ones or finding it hard to live peacefully after their demise.

Here is our collection of rest in peace quotes and pray that the departed souls may rest in peace.

  • 1

    I hope you can get happiness and peace.

  • 2

    Make the world a better place for those who are still alive.

  • 3

    You'll always live in your heart.

  • 4

    Good people always find peace after death.

  • 5

    Living in peace is more important than resting in peace.

  • 6

    Living peacefully is the desire of the living.

  • 7

    You can die in peace if you've fulfilled your duties.

  • 8

    Keep the departed souls in our minds and prayers.

  • 9

    The dead rest in peace and then the living can get comfort.

  • 10

    We will keep you in our hearts.

  • 11

    Nature shows that departed souls rest in peace.

  • 12

    Your good deeds will make you rest in peace.

  • 13

    It's hard to live, so people hope to get peace after death.

  • 14

    Heroes sacrifice their lives for their countries.

  • 15

    Time will cease and all come to an end after death.

  • 16

    Live your life to the fullest so as to find peace after death.

  • 17

    The death passes God's other door and goes to another world.

  • 18

    The death will enter a better world.

  • 19

    You will always be in my heart.

  • 20

    We will never forget you.

  • 21

    We'll meet again someday.

  • 22

    I'm sad, but I'll always remember you.

  • 23

    I believe you've found peace and I'll pray for you.

  • 24

    I will bear the pain of losing you and will miss you.

  • 25

    The feeling of losing someone you love is hard to bear.

  • 26

    The memories we've shared will comfort me.

  • 27

    Keep your loved ones in your heart.

  • 28

    Memories of people you love never fade.

  • 29

    Pray for your departed friends to rest in peace.

  • 30

    Never forget the lessons that your loved one taught you.

People going through the traumatic loss of their beloved family members and friends experience severe post-traumatic stress. Research also says that the loss of a loved one is the most traumatic phase of life that could make a person feel hopeless. However, grieving the death of a loved one is a part of life, but you have to understand that you can't grieve for your whole life. You have to accept that your dear departed soul is at peace, and that's something you'll have to live with.

Share these rest in peace quotes with your closed ones to give them the strength to bear the loss of their loved ones.