28 Hopeless Romantic Quotes and Sayings for You

Love by Ankita

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Without love, life has no meaning. All of us desire to be loved and cherished. We have an equally powerful desire to nourish and take care of another individual. The path of love is never an easy one, but life is meaningless without it. These hopeless romantic quotes compel us to mull over the beauty of life.

As you read these quotes, do think about what is hopeless romantic to you personally?

  • 1

    There is no logical reason behind two people falling in love.

  • 2

    When lovers are together, it is as if no one else in the world exists.

  • 3

    You know when you're a hopeless romantic.

  • 4

    Sometimes you just know that you can't help being a hopeless romantic.

  • 5

    Passionate people are often also hopeless romantics.

  • 6

    Men who are hopeless romantics enjoy spoiling their girlfriends.

  • 7

    Sometimes, you just have to wait to find the right person.

  • 8

    Many people buy things just because they love them.

  • 9

    A hopeless romantic can bring you extreme highs and lows.

  • 10

    A hopeless romantic will do just about anything for the sake of love.

  • 11

    Love makes two people imagine a beautiful life together.

  • 12

    The lover and the beloved have the same soul.

  • 13

    The greatest historical masterpieces have been created by hopeless romantics.

  • 14

    The heart has a clearer vision than the eyes.

  • 15

    Life is better when you get to spend it with your lover.

  • 16

    A successful relationship is built on the foundation of shared goals.

  • 17

    True love is that of the soul.

  • 18

    True love is all about giving everything you have.

  • 19

    Love is a longing to desire and be desired in return.

  • 20

    Love flourishes when we accept someone's perfect imperfections.

  • 21

    Love brings out the best and worst in us.

  • 22

    You can't lose by expressing your love.

  • 23

    Love transforms life from the inside out.

  • 24

    You can't understand life in the absence of love.

  • 25

    Love is the heart of the natural world.

  • 26

    You automatically look more beautiful when there's love in your heart.

  • 27

    There's nothing more important in life than loving and being loved in return.

  • 28

    Love unites two people together as one.

These hopeless romantic quotes make us think about the magic and beauty of love. When you're in love, life becomes incredibly beautiful. Without love, it is very difficult to find meaning and purpose.

What is the hopeless romantic meaning for you?