30 Inner Beauty Quotes to Make Your Heart Blossom

Life by Ankita

Inner beauty is our greatest treasure. We have the power to cultivate it by making ourselves more virtuous, generous and thoughtful. A kind and gentle heart automatically makes one more beautiful on the outside as well. We hope that these inner beauty quotes will inspire you to make your heart more loving and gentle.

Here is our selection of quotes about inner beauty.

  • 1

    When you are beautiful inside, it shows in your eyes.

  • 2

    Inner beauty is enhanced with time and age.

  • 3

    Your inner beauty comes from the generosity of your heart.

  • 4

    A virtuous woman is always beautiful.

  • 5

    In the absence of virtue, outer beauty means little.

  • 6

    Kindness creates beauty.

  • 7

    A radiant heart shines through a beautiful face.

  • 8

    Inner beauty has the power to captivate.

  • 9

    The good that you do for others makes you beautiful.

  • 10

    A woman is irresistible when her beauty blends with goodness.

  • 11

    Self-improvement should be on inner beauty.

  • 12

    To be beautiful, we must first like ourselves.

  • 13

    A woman has beauty when she believes she is beautiful.

  • 14

    Character is more important than looks.

  • 15

    Inner peace means inner beauty.

  • 16

    Every person is beautiful in a unique way.

  • 17

    Your values and principles make you beautiful.

  • 18

    A beautiful smile is priceless.

  • 19

    There is nothing more beautiful than being truly yourself.

  • 20

    Beauty is about becoming the best version of yourself.

  • 21

    Goodness is automatically beautiful.

  • 22

    Your actions, words, and thoughts make you beautiful.

  • 23

    Perceiving beauty keeps us young.

  • 24

    Beauty can also be strange.

  • 25

    We have the choice to cultivate our inner beauty.

  • 26

    A strong and secure person is beautiful.

  • 27

    A beautiful person sees beauty in others.

  • 28

    A passionate person is beautiful.

  • 29

    Kindness and confidence make a person more beautiful.

  • 30

    Inner beauty attracts innumerable blessings.

These inner beauty quotes tell us that the most worthwhile thing we can do in life is to work on growing our internal values. Let us seek to treat others more kindly and with greater thoughtfulness. Think positive thoughts and speak kindly. Let there be no harshness in your thoughts or demeanor.

If ever you need the inspiration to embrace your inner beauty, then come back and re-read these beauty-inside quotes.