30 Inspirational Karma Quotes

Life by Cyrus

Many people believe in karma. This law of cause and effect exists as a form of justice when certain good or bad actions lead to respective outcomes.

There are many wise words of karma, the most valuable of which you are going to find in this post. These karma quotes perfectly exemplify the meaning of "what goes around comes around".

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    Whatever you do eventually comes back to you, sooner or later.

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    You are the one to bear the consequences of your actions.

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    Here is one of the quotes about karma that perfectly sums up what karma is all about.

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    As you sow, so shall you reap.

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    Karma is the result of our conscious choice.

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    Whatever you do now, karma will appear shortly.

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    Karma teaches us to take responsibility for our own actions and choices.

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    There are quotes on karma that make us reevaluate the power of love.

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    The world changes and we move on while karma is continuously doing its job.

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    Sometimes Karma is late but it always comes.

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    Karma justifies everything.

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    When karma is in action, everything falls into line.

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    Just sit back and enjoy karma taking the lead.

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    Karma is always watching you.

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    What you give is what will you receive.

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    Karma will pay everything back to you.

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    One day, everyone sits around a table of consequences.

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    Keeping your karma circle positive is what will make you successful.

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    You don't need to take revenge. Karma will do the job for you.

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    You can choose to believe in karma or not but it will get to you anyway.

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    Never underestimate the importance of treating others well.

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    Karma always keeps the balance of our life.

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    We are shaped by what we do and how we behave.

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    Your every single thought, word or action sends relevant signals to karma.

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    However, good deeds should be done unconditionally without pursuing any benefit.

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    Karma is a patient and persistent teacher.

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    If you want to have a happy and peaceful life, you should give those feelings to others first.

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    Maybe karma is an unexpected guest but it never misses the addresses.

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    We don't notice karma but it always works. You get what you give.

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    The more good you put out there, the more it will come back to you.

We hope you enjoyed these thought-provoking karma quotes and that they will help you attract only the good in your life.