30 Inspirational Quotes About Hard Times

Life by Habiba

Life isn't always rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes, we have to go through hard times filled with dark clouds and gloomy rain. However, we must never dwell on the negatives. Instead, we should use difficult times as a chance to learn and grow into stronger and wiser people.

Below are 30 inspirational quotes for difficult times that may help give you strength. We encourage you to share them and ultimately spread positivity and inspiration, to your friends and family.

  • 1

    Each harsh circumstance always holds hope and opportunities.

  • 2

    Hardships will help you grow into a better person.

  • 3

    To reach your full potential, go through difficult life events first.

  • 4

    As long as you're alive, try to survive.

  • 5

    Even during the hardest times of your life, always hold on to hope.

  • 6

    Keep trying to reach your goals even during hard times.

  • 7

    Each problem you face will shape you into a stronger person.

  • 8

    What matters is having the will to always try again.

  • 9

    Never give up because you never know how close you are to your goal.

  • 10

    Keep trying, and then you may be able to solve your problem.

  • 11

    What may seem like a problem can actually be an opportunity.

  • 12

    Each hardship you've gone through has shaped you into a better person.

  • 13

    No matter how tough life gets, never give up.

  • 14

    Even during difficult times, remember to believe in yourself.

  • 15

    Storms will pass on eventually and you can see the rainbows afterward.

  • 16

    Use the pains in your life as stepping stones.

  • 17

    Your loved ones are always there to support you.

  • 18

    Prioritize doing the right things rather than easy things.

  • 19

    Hardships are chances to grow if we never give up.

  • 20

    Going through hard times will give us more knowledge than ever.

  • 21

    Sometimes, hard times will bring you to a better place.

  • 22

    Always have a positive attitude, no matter what.

  • 23

    Everyone has their own life battles.

  • 24

    One failure means nothing; keep going.

  • 25

    The problems actually lead you towards new opportunities.

  • 26

    When life makes you feel useless, never lose faith in yourself.

  • 27

    Whenever you're going through hard times, always be optimistic.

  • 28

    Keep trying even if you feel desperate.

  • 29

    Hardships will give you some of the most valuable lessons.

  • 30

    Afflictions and hardships help shape us into better people.

Keep going! You're doing so well; please don't give up now. Pain, sadness, and loss are temporary. Have faith that good things will soon come to you. Hopefully, our list of inspirational quotes for difficult times has helped you develop a more optimistic outlook on life. Good luck. Always believe that you'll make it through anything.