30 Inspirational Wolves Quotes

Life by Cyrus

The wolf is a powerful animal with a character that includes loyalty, trust, and high intelligence, but at the same time a dangerous nature. That is why it is used in many quotes or phrases. You can read interesting wolf quotes that we found below and our interpretation of them.

  • 1

    A wolf can never be tamed completely.

  • 2

    You shouldn't be afraid of what other people think of you.

  • 3

    We all like to follow the pack and love the feel of belonging.

  • 4

    Women can't tell a lie and expect to get away with it.

  • 5

    Strong-willed people always find weaker-willed people to manipulate.

  • 6

    If you put yourself in with a bad crowd you will do bad things.

  • 7

    An ambitious person will always work hard.

  • 8

    Never doubt yourself, act on what you believe.

  • 9

    An immoral person may only look for the difference.

  • 10

    A person with influence needs to remember who gave them the power they possess.

  • 11

    Men can't hide who they are.

  • 12

    Don't get too confident if you find success.

  • 13

    Those who don't believe in war usually doesn't see the bad in people.

  • 14

    People who compliment you too much may not be so friendly and honest.

  • 15

    In a democratic society everyone has a voice.

  • 16

    Being alone can be difficult when you have problems.

  • 17

    A strong community draws strength from each other.

  • 18

    You should never show your weaknesses to others too easily.

  • 19

    In a vote, you may find that everyone doesn't have equal rights.

  • 20

    An intelligent person is not worried about the ones without the same intelligence.

  • 21

    People with a weaker personality cannot change one with a stronger personality.

  • 22

    You can't negotiate with someone who can overpower you.

  • 23

    Highly intuitive people can read what you are feeling and thinking.

  • 24

    This is an excellent example of a quote about wolves.

  • 25

    All men are not as polite as they seem.

  • 26

    If you make a silly mistake, others will take advantage.

  • 27

    Patient people will always have an advantage over impatient ones.

  • 28

    This wolf quote comes from a famous book.

  • 29

    If you are meant to be together, nothing will stand in the way.

  • 30

    If one person disagrees with your idea, you may find that others do so.

As you have seen in the wolf quotes that we have compiled, a wolf is a powerful animal that has a dark side too. Many quotes comment on how a wolf can hide its identity and not show its true colors, or how a strong-willed person can dominate the procedures of things.