30 Inspiring Quotes By Unknown Authors

Life by Subani

Some of the wisest quotes on the internet don't have authors. Because people who want to remain anonymous may write unknown quotes. But reading them will inspire and lift your spirits. And they will also give you a change of perspective too. Besides, the best unknown quotes will teach you some valuable lessons about life.

  • 1

    Sometimes you receive the desires of your heart.

  • 2

    Choose the people who make you feel extraordinary.

  • 3

    It's best to focus on the positive things in your life.

  • 4

    Don't be too hard on yourself because nobody is perfect.

  • 5

    Genius has its limits, but stupidity is infinite.

  • 6

    You never know what significant possibilities are waiting for you.

  • 7

    Change is the only thing continuous in our life.

  • 8

    I'm not your follower nor your leader, but I can be your friend.

  • 9

    There are opportunities every day to be kind.

  • 10

    Whenever you're upset, it's best to go for a lengthy walk.

  • 11

    Don't judge anyone because people can learn from their mistakes and change.

  • 12

    Every journey you take in life will begin with your first step.

  • 13

    Don't let ambition take control of your life.

  • 14

    Never accept injustice, because it can turn you into an oppressor.

  • 15

    Look at the bright side, and you'll lose sight of negative things in your life.

  • 16

    Patience and understanding are necessary to have an excellent relationship.

  • 17

    Stop and enjoy the beauties in the world around you.

  • 18

    Facing our fears gives us the courage to persevere.

  • 19

    You are responsible for making yourself happy.

  • 20

    We can only grow when we try doing things we haven't done before.

  • 21

    Enjoy your life today - yesterday is the past, and tomorrow may never come.

  • 22

    You may have fewer friends today, but the relationships are priceless.

  • 23

    In life, you can always find something to be thankful for.

  • 24

    It's essential to have personal values in life.

  • 25

    You can't change your past, but you can learn from it and direct your future.

  • 26

    If the information and opinions don't agree, then find fresh information.

  • 27

    When you choose a profession you love, you'll have fun every day.

  • 28

    You already have everything you need to be happy.

  • 29

    Worrying prevents you from enjoying your life.

  • 30

    The game of life has tricky rules, and you have to master them to survive.

Reading quotes is the fastest way to uplift your spirit when you're feeling distressed. Although the unknown quotes don't have authors, they offer valuable pieces of advice. Besides, share "motivation quotes unknown" with loved ones and on social media. You never know who you might inspire.