30 Lovely and Inspiring Baby Messages

Family by Ankita

Babies bring immense joy and happiness to our homes. Baby statuses celebrate newborn sweethearts and allow us to express our feelings of love, happiness, and adoration towards the new addition to our family.

The cute baby statuses that we have selected for you will make your heart melt!

  • 1

    The child's radiant smile brings us pure happiness.

  • 2

    Babies are gifts from God in the form of pure and loving creatures.

  • 3

    Baby's feet are the cutest!

  • 4

    Motherhood is so fulfilling.

  • 5

    Your children are the most valuable treasures you'll ever have in life.

  • 6

    The lovely giggles of a child are the best sounds you will ever hear and their smile, the best sights you will ever see.

  • 7

    Having a baby may be challenging, but it is one of the most rewarding things in life.

  • 8

    Parenthood entails selflessness. That is, you will have to put your kids' needs over yours - all the time.

  • 9

    No matter how overwhelming being a parent can sometimes be, your baby will always be your whole world.

  • 10

    Sometimes, it is such a relief when our little ones finally fall asleep.

  • 11

    Just the sight of your baby is enough to make you smile.

  • 12

    Is there anything even half as sweet as a baby's tiny feet?

  • 13

    Your love for your kids will continue to grow regardless of their age.

  • 14

    Cute little baby, your parents love you so much!

  • 15

    Spend as much time as you can with your kids because they grow up so quickly.

  • 16

    Motherhood - nine months of pregnancy and a lifetime of love.

  • 17

    This can be a lullaby for your baby.

  • 18

    Even though the babies are small, your love for them certainly takes up a huge space in your heart.

  • 19

    Babies are bundles of pure joy.

  • 20

    You tend to give all the love you possibly can to your baby.

  • 21

    Having children makes our journey as human beings complete.

  • 22

    Watching your baby sleep is the best form of therapy - one that makes you the happiest person in the world.

  • 23

    You start loving your baby from the moment they were born.

  • 24

    Babies makes our lives more dynamic and our families more joyful and happy.

  • 25

    Babies fill our hearts with overflowing love.

  • 26

    Babies teach us about unconditional love.

  • 27

    Having a baby will change your life.

  • 28

    Having a newborn involves a lot of sleepless nights.

  • 29

    A baby is a big miracle disguised as a small person.

  • 30

    Babies feel safe in their mother's arms.

Parenthood is not all fun and games. In fact, it is mostly sleepless nights and endless diaper changes. These hardships are all worth it though, and are nothing compared to the joy that babies bring to your lives. We hope that these baby girl and baby boy statuses remind you how lovely and adorable babies are.