28 Lying Quotes and Sayings

Life by Ankita

A liar might initially get things his/her way, but the success is usually short-lived. Lies can never survive for too long as the truth is always going to win in the end. These lying quotes provide some useful commentary on the act of lying and what it must be like to be a liar.

Here is our selection of lies quotes.

  • 1

    Saying the truth saves you the effort of keeping up with the lies told.

  • 2

    Lies break trust.

  • 3

    Liars unsuccessfully try to deceive themselves.

  • 4

    People can be deceived if a lie is repeated.

  • 5

    Lying is exhausting.

  • 6

    Lying rids an individual of dignity.

  • 7

    Friends and lovers lie to make us feel good.

  • 8

    Lies can survive for generations.

  • 9

    Most people lie to themselves more than they do to others.

  • 10

    You can't lie to the one who knows you too well.

  • 11

    Only weak people tell lies.

  • 12

    Many times, lies are never believed. Everyone just plays along.

  • 13

    Some liars start believing their own lies.

  • 14

    One lie can ruin your reputation forever.

  • 15

    If I find you lie to me, you'll lose my trust forever.

  • 16

    Only a fool says things with reckless abandon.

  • 17

    Sometimes it is imperative to tell a white lie.

  • 18

    A man learns to lie if he is punished for speaking the truth.

  • 19

    A liar's reputation makes him/her lose credibility.

  • 20

    A house of lies comes crashing down very quickly.

  • 21

    Lies travel much faster than the truth.

  • 22

    Lies contaminate the soul.

  • 23

    It's shameful to acquire success through lies and false stories.

  • 24

    It is very difficult to undo a lie that has already been told.

  • 25

    For a liar, it is difficult to trust others.

  • 26

    Whenever a lie is told, there will always be people who know it is.

  • 27

    It's impossible to mentally keep up with a web of lies.

  • 28

    It takes a lot of skill and intelligence to be a successful liar.

These lying quotes show us that liars are never fully trusted. They might falsely acquire people's misplaced trust but eventually, the truth is definitely going to come out. Besides, it takes a lot of work to remember all the lies one has told as more lies have to be constructed to hide one falsehood.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of quotes about lies.