30 Meaningful Quotes on Economy

Life by Cyrus

The economy is a broad term, and it contains several concepts of macro-financial planning. To understand the basic concept of the economy, let's have a look at its definition. The use of financial, human, and environmental resources of a country for its development is called an economy. The economy synchronizes a country's expenses with its income. You can also learn in detail about it by referring to famous quotes about the economy.

Read our collection of quotes on the economy for a better understanding of the concept of modern-day economy.

  • 1

    The needs of the elite drive the global economy.

  • 2

    Hard work and education is the foundation of a strong economy.

  • 3

    Market economy has failed in equal distribution of wealth.

  • 4

    Educated workers drive a strong economy.

  • 5

    Education is essential for a thriving economy and a competitive workforce.

  • 6

    Economy is another name for the financial planning of the future.

  • 7

    Financial discipline brings about a strong economy and social justice.

  • 8

    Education is critical for building a strong economy.

  • 9

    The economy should focus on making everyone wealthier.

  • 10

    Financial equality is the foundation of democratic socialism.

  • 11

    Wasting resources before alternatives are developed hurts the economy.

  • 12

    Political economy has no influence over politics or the economy.

  • 13

    The maximum utilization of resources is best for the economy.

  • 14

    Employment opportunities are essential for a strong economy.

  • 15

    The economy is a fast-evolving concept.

  • 16

    There's no guarantee of your job in a changing economy.

  • 17

    A stable economy lays the foundation of a stable society.

  • 18

    Efficient planning is a crucial part of the economy.

  • 19

    Renewable resources boost the economy.

  • 20

    World-class education is critical for building a world-class economy.

  • 21

    Distribution of wealth amongst poor people boosts the economy.

  • 22

    A healthy environment is essential for building a strong economy.

  • 23

    Economy converts minor investments into huge profits.

  • 24

    The health and medicine sector is one of the most profitable sectors of the economy.

  • 25

    Every person is respected in communities with a strong economy.

  • 26

    Economy and education are symbiotic.

  • 27

    Cutting down educational expenses will hurt the economy.

  • 28

    The use of machines saves our valuable time.

  • 29

    Rich people don't get affected by economic fluctuations.

  • 30

    Countries can make economic progress without polluting the environment.

Many countries are struggling hard to build their economies because the practical application of economic principles is not as easy as it seems. Countries with weak economies fail to utilize their resources, and they depend on financial help from other countries. However, developed countries provide financial assistance to poor countries on strict terms and conditions that further weaken their economy. Only education and a skillful workforce can change the fate of countries with fragile economic conditions.

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