30 Monument Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Monuments are works of art that stand tall as testimonies to the history of a society. Unfortunately, monuments don't receive the respect and honor that they deserve. We must see them as great works of art to be preserved for future generations. We hope these monuments quotes will help you develop a deeper appreciation for these unique artistic creations.

Here is our selection of quotes on monuments:

  • 1

    Monuments are never erected in memory of demagogues.

  • 2

    All monuments are preserved in the mind as memories.

  • 3

    Your legacy survives through people and not monuments.

  • 4

    Delhi has a lot of great monuments.

  • 5

    Great people don't care about fame after their death.

  • 6

    Only intellectual and artistic creations are immortal.

  • 7

    Not everyone feels excited about monuments and their history.

  • 8

    Ancient monuments possess a lot of wisdom and history.

  • 9

    Monuments help forge connections between different generations.

  • 10

    Make your life a reflection of your soul.

  • 11

    Monuments are enjoyed by the living and not by the deceased.

  • 12

    Monument is built to commemorate things and people.

  • 13

    Monuments are built for all kinds of strange reasons.

  • 14

    A child is like a monument of two people's love and union.

  • 15

    People pass by monuments as if they don't even exist.

  • 16

    Eventually, monuments get demolished.

  • 17

    Use people's criticism and ridicule to build something great.

  • 18

    Nearly all monuments have a barbaric past attached to them.

  • 19

    Every thought is creating our character.

  • 20

    Every act of kindness counts.

  • 21

    Some leaders are recognized after they die.

  • 22

    No one respects a pessimist.

  • 23

    The Taj Mahal is a symbol of undying love for all cultures.

  • 24

    Monuments have a symbolic meaning.

  • 25

    Eulogies are written and monuments are only erected for the dead.

  • 26

    Monuments and men are significantly based on their position.

  • 27

    Great people who don't care about fame deserve to have monuments.

  • 28

    Mountains are the monuments of nature.

  • 29

    Peace is not as keenly felt or strongly remembered as war.

  • 30

    We must treasure monuments and works of art.

These monuments quotes remind us of the significance and symbolic meaning of these artistic structures. Monuments are generally erected in memory of leaders who left a strong impact on history. A lot of monuments are marvelous works of art that deserve our attention and appreciation.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of monument quotes.