30 of the Greatest Quotes About Royals

Life by Ronit Cytheria

I'm sure we all go through moments in our lives where we feel like royalty. It could be your wedding day, the day you get a promotion, the day you visit England, or any good day in general. We will often post about these moments on social media, but will never have the right royal caption to describe the moment.

The reality is, there are so many classic and memorable captions for a royal pic out there that you could use - you just have to find them!

  • 1

    In order to truly be considered royal, you need to capture the hearts of those around you.

  • 2

    Just because you're doing the right thing doesn't mean people will respect you.

  • 3

    There's more to being royal than just bloodline - you have to earn it.

  • 4

    There's no rule book to be considered royal, you must find it within yourself.

  • 5

    You have to think like you're royal and not let anything get in your way.

  • 6

    Royal behavior requires being brave and courageous, standing up against the norm.

  • 7

    The amount of responsibility in a royal title can be too much for some.

  • 8

    We must learn to practice transparency and spread love to our neighbors.

  • 9

    When you think you're royal and act like you're royal, it will show to those around you.

  • 10

    There's nothing wrong with being alone, it's our time to relax and treat ourselves.

  • 11

    We all have a bit of royalty within us, we just have to learn to express it!

  • 12

    It's easy to forget that queens are people, too, and thus have emotions like one.

  • 13

    A man will hold you closest when you attract the very things he values in this world.

  • 14

    To be royal is to be humble, not obnoxious.

  • 15

    A king that treats his people with disrespect will not last long enough to make a difference.

  • 16

    Royalty isn't for everyone, and it's okay to accept that.

  • 17

    We all have a little bit of royalty in us, but many of us don't see it.

  • 18

    True virtue isn't found by following a path laid out by someone else.

  • 19

    Being royal means standing up for yourself and others.

  • 20

    When you're a king, there's no point in shouting because people will listen either way.

  • 21

    Don't confuse royalty with celebrity - you'll forever remain a fool.

  • 22

    Queens are made to do one thing: to lead their supporters.

  • 23

    Royal people get away with their mistakes without punishment.

  • 24

    In order to be royal and gain respect, you need to lead by example.

  • 25

    Can you really call yourself a king without any authority?

  • 26

    Royalty comes with expectations to fit into certain roles.

  • 27

    It is easier to rule by yourself than to share your power with others - things could get messy.

  • 28

    We all like to imagine ourselves being part of the Royal Family, don't lie!

  • 29

    Being king isn't as easy or rewarding as it seems, yet many people will look at it that way.

  • 30

    The thought of someone being treated like royalty can be hard to bear.

You should definitely think about using your favorite royal caption from the list above whenever you have a royal moment. These moments should be shared with everybody, and who knows, you might make a few people relate to you in the process.

Let's be honest, we all deserve our 15 minutes of fame. We also deserve to have that 15 minutes be worth it and enjoyable. With these royal quotes, you can see how that's possible.