30 Priority Quotes That You Should Know

Love by Ronit Cytheria

Often relationships start to go bad when one partner starts to take their significant other for granted. This includes not giving enough time, attention, affection, not showing concern and appreciation among other things. When you or your partner neglect the other, things start to fall apart. You don't feel as loved as you once did. You start to feel that the once beautiful thing you had is now over. Time has changed your love. Your partner's priorities are different now. Suddenly they don't have enough time, or are too tired, and they don't look at you or treat you the same way.

We have collected some priority quotes that describe what a damaged love can feel like. These tough love quotes by some great writers will put your feelings into words and you might be able to relate to them. The following are 30 priority quotes that show what one goes through during a tough time in a relationship:

  • 1

    Never put someone else at the top of your list when they treat you like you're expendable.

  • 2

    To be on the giving end of one-sided love in a relationship is very painful.

  • 3

    If they love you, but don't prioritize you, that's not enough.

  • 4

    There's no doubt that one should give their share in a relationship, but if you find yourself on the giving end more often than the receiving end, there's a problem.

  • 5

    Sometimes when they realize you're too easily available, they won't appreciate you.

  • 6

    If you're important to someone, they'll always figure out a way to spend time with you.

  • 7

    If you're not ready to put your marriage first, you're not ready to get married.

  • 8

    Everyone wants to be appreciated. It's one of the most fundamental human needs.

  • 9

    It can get quite stressful when people don't give back the same love that you gave them.

  • 10

    If they're the right one for you, they'll always put you first.

  • 11

    There is nothing more important in this life than love. Everything else comes after that.

  • 12

    It's not easy to find someone who will love you exactly the way you love them.

  • 13

    The basic recipe for any relationship is time and effort.

  • 14

    If they love you, they won't make excuses for not putting in time and effort.

  • 15

    Only you have control of how they're treating you.

  • 16

    If you feel lonely in a relationship, it's time to let it go.

  • 17

    You can't put effort on behalf of your partner.

  • 18

    If they can't live up to your expectations, there's no point in sticking around.

  • 19

    You can only love someone so much when they don't appreciate you.

  • 20

    If they don't want what you want, it's time to let go.

  • 21

    Just because your partner doesn't love you anymore doesn't mean life is over. You'll find someone else who does.

  • 22

    One-sided love is like a delusion.

  • 23

    Even the strongest love can die out when taken for granted.

  • 24

    If one's priorities change with time, that affects everything in the relationship.

  • 25

    You'll always long for love if you don't get it from the ones you loved the most.

  • 26

    You shouldn't have to ask for their efforts.

  • 27

    Your actions demonstrate your priorities.

  • 28

    There is a solution to everything except making someone love you back.

  • 29

    You realize true suffering when the person you love doesn't love you.

  • 30

    It can be very painful when your partner stops loving you.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. Even the smallest gesture of affection now and then can make our partner feel special and loved. But you can't force such things onto yourself or your partner. If you feel the love has faded over the years, it might be best to let it go. We gathered these not feeling like a priority in a relationship quotes to emphasize the importance of putting regular and consistent effort in a relationship. We hope you were able to relate to these priority quotes and work on your love life accordingly.