30 Purpose Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

A life without purpose is devoid of any real joy. If you don't know what you are here for, then like most people you'll just take the path of least resistance. It's really sad that most people don't have a clear life purpose – they aimlessly drift from one thing to another. These quotes about purpose show us how important it is to know our life's purpose and align all our goals with it.

Here is our selection of purpose quotes:

  • 1

    When we have a reason, we can accommodate the means.

  • 2

    We are here to make the world a better place.

  • 3

    You are very motivated if you have a strong purpose.

  • 4

    Find your purpose and dedicate your life to it.

  • 5

    A purposeful clever mind can be both destructive and creative.

  • 6

    Your profession should be aligned with your life's purpose.

  • 7

    Reflect on the past only to learn from it.

  • 8

    We are here to realize our spiritual truth.

  • 9

    Morality inspires us to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

  • 10

    It's ironic that wars are fought to attain peace.

  • 11

    Not staying true to one's purpose is the only real failure.

  • 12

    A life without purpose isn't very meaningful.

  • 13

    Other people's life purpose can be different from ours.

  • 14

    To become successful, you must have a well-defined purpose.

  • 15

    Strong people with a solid sense of purpose never give up.

  • 16

    We must know our life's purpose.

  • 17

    Having a purpose can lead to our joy and usefulness.

  • 18

    The purpose of life is to constantly keep growing.

  • 19

    The purpose of life is to recognize magnificence.

  • 20

    Everything happens for a reason.

  • 21

    The purpose of life is to become one with God.

  • 22

    A person who doesn't know his purpose drifts away.

  • 23

    It's unbearable to live without purpose.

  • 24

    Knowing why you are alive is very important.

  • 25

    Winners are goal-oriented – everyone else is wishful thinking.

  • 26

    Our purpose in life is to live with purpose.

  • 27

    A life of purpose requires us to be vulnerable.

  • 28

    Your purpose in life is something you will die for.

  • 29

    Discovering your purpose is very important.

  • 30

    You are the only one who can determine your life's purpose.

These purpose quotes illustrate that a life without a strong sense of purpose is hardly meaningful. If you don't already know your purpose, then we would highly encourage you to find it out. If you can't do it on your own, then hire a coach who can help you understand yourself better.

Do you have any favorite "my purpose in life" quotes?