30 Quotes About Being Selfless

Life by Cyrus

If you believe that mankind is innately good, then you probably hold these quotes about selflessness to heart. In order to create a world filled with harmony, we have to be selfless. Shunning greed and entitlement takes strength and courage. It's not easy. The following selfless quotes show how important it is to make sacrifices for the sake of others.

  • 1

    Letting go of putting yourself first takes courage.

  • 2

    It is better to give than to receive.

  • 3

    Genuine love always wants the best for the other person.

  • 4

    You cannot be happy if you only think about yourself.

  • 5

    Doing acts for service to others will make life fulfilling.

  • 6

    Being selfless is a form of love and service to others.

  • 7

    Selflessness makes your life brighter.

  • 8

    Let us put ourselves aside and think of the needs of others.

  • 9

    It never hurts to be selfless.

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    Being selfless is a form of exercising power under control.

  • 11

    You can achieve your goals through pure sacrifice and unwavering faith.

  • 12

    Being selfless makes you into a hero.

  • 13

    Live honestly and with kindness. Be a blessing to those around you.

  • 14

    Everyone is capable of performing good deeds. It is a choice.

  • 15

    Find true contentment in putting others before yourself.

  • 16

    Live an honest life that is devoted to helping others.

  • 17

    Selflessness starts from the mind and manifests in how we act.

  • 18

    Be attuned to the needs of those around you, not just your own.

  • 19

    Pray for the discipline to be selfless.

  • 20

    Being selfless is a way of life, not an achievement to be had.

  • 21

    You are willing to do anything for the one you love.

  • 22

    Joy and peace follow where selflessness is practiced.

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    These quotes about selflessness depict the path to true happiness.

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    Being selfless will give your life meaning.

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    Seeing others perform selfless deeds should spur us on to do the same.

  • 26

    Selflessness brings meaning and fulfillment to life.

  • 27

    We learn a lot about ourselves by making sacrifices.

  • 28

    Selflessness gives your life more meaning.

  • 29

    Exercising selflessness takes effort, discipline and courage.

  • 30

    Being altruistic makes you stronger.

These selfless quotes portray how helping others takes courage - and can even make you stronger. These quotes also remind us how doing good deeds can change the world. Being selfless restores faith in humanity, and can make the world a safer and more secure place. The more selfless people there are out there, the better the world will be.