30 Quotes About Flames and Fire

Life by Cyrus

Fire is an element of nature that has a lot of significance in our lives. Fire keeps us warm and helps us cook nourishing food when it is under control. When fire turns wild it becomes a destroyer – engulfing anything and everything that comes its way in raging heat. These flame quotes help us understand the meaning and significance of fire.

Here is our selection of quotes about flames and fire:

  • 1

    The memory of an intense love remains with you for a long time.

  • 2

    An idealistic and passionate woman is fiery.

  • 3

    The passion of love is like fire; intensely wild and difficult to tame.

  • 4

    Use criticism as fuel to pursue your goals more intensely.

  • 5

    Faith gives us the motivation to achieve success.

  • 6

    Passion and intensity can serve you well if you channel them in the right direction.

  • 7

    Great ideas resist nullification.

  • 8

    Everything great starts off little.

  • 9

    It's not a bad idea to get married early if you're financially grounded.

  • 10

    Sweet words accomplish more than threats and force.

  • 11

    It's often a bad idea to Google yourself.

  • 12

    Things start diminishing before they disappear entirely.

  • 13

    When in love, it can be difficult to contain one's feelings.

  • 14

    Love sustains and nourishes the human heart.

  • 15

    Love can evoke feelings that we never thought we could have.

  • 16

    Each one of us harbors an intense desire to experience love.

  • 17

    Every raging fire is born from the tiniest spark.

  • 18

    Don't hide your passion and intensity; they define you.

  • 19

    Surround yourself with people in tune with your ideals.

  • 20

    A mentor tends to the fire of greatness in the hearts of others.

  • 21

    Painful experiences all have lessons they bring with them.

  • 22

    One's appreciation for art can be passed on to others.

  • 23

    Successful people have a never-ending passion for what they do.

  • 24

    Many people are talented; talent improved, makes the genius.

  • 25

    People can always find a trace of fashion.

  • 26

    Young people always have an infinite passion to achieve their dreams.

  • 27

    Love lights up one's soul and spirit.

  • 28

    Our first love leaves a great impact on our hearts.

  • 29

    Our lives are temporal; once we pass, we'll ultimately be forgotten.

  • 30

    Reading fuels our imagination and passion, and helps us grow.

The discovery of fire is regarded as one of the most significant moments in human history. These flame quotes prod us to think about all that fire symbolizes. Fire represents passion, intensity, drive, illumination, enlightenment, renewal, and destruction.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of quotes about flames.