30 Quotes About Smoking

Life by Cyrus

Smoking is an addictive habit, one that is very harmful to your health. Indulging in smoking is becoming more popular than ever, even so after the implementation of new laws prohibiting it. Reflect on these smoking quotes and determine whether what you get from it is really worth the health risk that comes with it.

Whether you are a smoker or know someone who is, these smoking quotes will show you how passionate some people are about it.

  • 1

    You are not even considering to stop smoking.

  • 2

    If you are a smoker, this is the kind of statistics you use to defend your beliefs.

  • 3

    You've tried to quit smoking, but you failed each time.

  • 4

    If you are wanting to quit smoking, you must start by believing you can do it.

  • 5

    Smoking makes you feel as if you were untouchable.

  • 6

    You know you are addicted when the only time you don't smoke is during sleep.

  • 7

    Smoking makes you take a break and reflect on your life.

  • 8

    Some people express themselves through the music that they like, and others through the brand of cigar that they smoke.

  • 9

    Some men always remember their first cigar in the same way that they will always remember their first love.

  • 10

    Smoking is a potentially dangerous and costly addiction.

  • 11

    Kissing a smoker is no different than licking an ashtray filled with cigarette butts.

  • 12

    You want a "smoking permitted" afterlife.

  • 13

    You don't count packs of cigars, but the lighters that you use up daily.

  • 14

    You only need to smoke three cigarettes to become addicted to smoking.

  • 15

    You still believe that contrary to popular belief, smoking doesn't kill.

  • 16

    There is an abundance of statistics produced around smoking.

  • 17

    For you, cigars are more valuable than women.

  • 18

    You don't care too much that cigars might kill you.

  • 19

    Smoking is an extremely addictive habit.

  • 20

    If you smoke in order to lose some weight, then it's just not worth it!

  • 21

    You don't like it when people tell you to stop smoking because it's your health that is in question.

  • 22

    You think that people smoke because they have nothing else to do.

  • 23

    Quitting smoking is so difficult that the only way to do it is to sabotage yourself.

  • 24

    You are a heavy smoker, but with a limit - one cigar at the time!

  • 25

    Some men love their cigars more.

  • 26

    You'd rather change your wife than the cigars you're smoking.

  • 27

    Smoking creates a strong addiction, which is why it is best to never start in the first place.

  • 28

    You find cigars very comforting when you're going through difficult times.

  • 29

    You enjoy smoking a cigar after a good meal.

  • 30

    It is difficult for you to stop smoking, but you also can't continue doing it because you know it's unhealthy.

These smoking quotes show us that smoking is an act of relaxation for some people, while for others, it is the unhealthiest thing that a man willingly chooses to do.

We hope that the quotes about smoking that we have selected made you think of how important it is to some people, and how repulsive it might be to non-smokers.